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Hinata yawned. A wave of exhaustion had hit him immediately when he got home. Right now, he was trying to get Natsu to understand why "pretty boy" was back.

She looked ready for business in her white button-up shirt and jeans. Natsu was tapping her small foot, hands on her hip. "It hasn't even been a month and pretty boy is here. A G A I N. You have twenty seconds to explain," she hissed.

"He's visiting," Hinata told her, frowning.

"Yeah, he was visiting last time too. Why doesn't he...hmmm, I don't know...TAKE A BREAK FROM VISITING?"

The small boy glanced at Kenma for help, but the setter was leaning against the wall, playing his switch. He was on his own. "Last time we had a game and he wanted to hang around a bit. Now he needs a place to stay."

Natsu narrowed her eyes. "Why does he need to stay here? There's a lot of benches around here."

"NATSU WHAT THE F- Because we're friends," Hinata growled.

"Simp." With that, Natsu crossly walked away. Her brother inhaled and closed his eyes. He wasn't getting paid enough to babysit her.

Kenma made a weird noise. Hinata turned to looked at him, an eyebrow raised. Kenma had a hand covering his mouth. He was trying to stop himself from laughing. "You really let your little sister call you a simp?" he giggled.

Woah. Hinata stared at him until Kenmas laughing turned into awkward silence. "You're kind of cute," the smaller boy said, as if it was the most normal thing to say.

At first, his friend didn't react. Then the words processed and Kenma gave Hinata a flustered expression. "WHAT?" he squeaked. "WHY DID YOU JUST SAY THAT OUT OF NOWHERE. ARE YOU TRYING TO GET- WHY SHOYO WHY"

Grinning, Hinata tapped Kenmas shoulder. "You called me by my name. It was weird when you stopped," he said.

Kenma blinked at him. His eyes sparked mischievously. "SHOYO SHOYO SHOYO SHOYO SHOYO SHOYO SHOYO-"

"OKAY STOP! I DIDN'T MISS IT THAT MUCH." However, he was smiling. Hinata hid it by turning away to a nearby closet. He opened it and took out a white towel. "I have to take a shower. Do whatever you want, except provoke my sister."

Kenma ruffled his hair, murmuring. "My Shoyo."

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