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Kenma sneezed.

Lev glanced at him. "Oh no- Do you have a cold?" he asked. It was irritating that he actually sounded concerned.

"No. Someone's probably talking about me," Kenma muttered, frowning at his switch.

Kuroo rested his arm on the setters shoulder. "You still believe in that?" he teased. Kenma shoved his arm off, and the boy snatched his switch away. Kenma gave him a face. It was taking everything in his power to not attack him.

"Why else would he sneeze randomly and not have a cold?" Lev asked, tapping his chin thoughtfully.

"Colds can happen anytime, anywhere." Kuroo laughed as Kenma made an attempt to grab the switch, falling off the porch, and landing face first in the snow.

Where he would stay. If he could.

Kenma sat up, wiping snow off his head. He glared at his friend. "I am not sick!" he hissed.

The captain snorted. "Not yet."

Lev was still thinking about whether Kenma had a cold or not. How could someone be bothered, or interested, in such a dumb subject? "Who would be talking about him though?"

"Maybe it's the cute little ginger from Karasuno," Kuroo said. Kenma tackled him, half for what he said, half for his switch. "You guys hung out the whole time he was here. Maybe he's bragging about how much fun y'all had~"

Kenma threw a snowball at him. Kuroo was laughing like a maniac. Lev tilted his head. "Why would Shoyo be talking about Kenma though?"

"Stop asking questions," both Kenma and Kuroo snapped.

Lev held his hands up as if surrendering. "I'm just wondering. We have to think of this stuff. He could be planning Kenma-Senpai's murder!"

Kuroo almost fell of the porch, laughing too hard. Kenma was jamming buttons, asking, "Why would Shoyo want to kill me?"

"B- BECAUSE- BECAUSE YOUR TOO GRUMPY!" Kuroo gasped. It was confirmed. He was going to die. If not by laughing, by Kenma.

"Yea. Or because you always look like you want to kill someone. He may think its self defense," Lev added.

Kenma looked up from his switch, glaring at the sky. "What. The. Hell. Are. These. Theories?"

Kuroo snorted. "These are facts."

Kenma whirled around, another snowball in hand, and threw it at him with all his might. Kuroo dodged, smirking. Lev let out an excited gasp. "SNOWBALL FIGHT?" he squealed.

"No. Throw something at me, I'm throwing your existence."

"HOW COULD YOU SAY SOMETHING SO CRUEL?" Lev sniffed. Kenma fought back a groan. Why were these two at his house. Someone save meeee.

"Isn't Chibi-Chan coming over on wednesday?" Kuroo asked, messing around with the snow.

Fighting back going inside, Kenma turned his attention back to his switch. "No," he replied flatly. "I'm visiting him."

Lev stared at him wide eyed. Kuroo smirked. "Ooooooooh. what a nice thing to do. I'm about to cry. Y'all are gonna be smooching and having cute wittle babies-"

"Stop. Just- no."

How could Kuroo laugh so hard from the stupidest things? Lev raised an eyebrow. "Boys can't make-"

"NO SHIT SHERLOCK," Kenma interrupted loudly, dropping his head onto  his knees. Why? Why did he have to suffer? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?

He felt something cold hit his head. He didn't move. The cold snow plopped at his feet, some water dripping from his hair. Kenma slowly raised his head. He casually turned off his system. "You are so dead," he told Kuroo sweetly.

That's how an epic snowball fight began.

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