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The next day the snow started thawing. The day after that, most of the snow was gone, and plants were beginning to bloom. Hinata was playing catch with his sister. There was no practice today.

"Onii-Chan, is that boy coming tomorrow?" Natsu asked, tossing the small ball underhand.

Hinata hit it with his wrist, bouncing it back. "Which boy are you talking about?"

Natsu didn't catch the ball. She crossed her arms and stared at him. "The one you simp over," she bluntly replied. Hinata sputtered on his words.

"W-what? I- WHAT? Simping over people is weird, Natsu."

His sister really made a small 'mhm'. She picked the ball up and they began tossing it again. "I'll rephrase it better. Your friend from Tokyo."

"Oh." Hinata watched the ball hit his arm. He frowned. "I think so. Unless he something stops him." He was going to throw it back, but Natsu was next to him now. She sat on the grass, making puppy eyes.

"Can I meet him, Onii-Chan?" she pleaded.

The question mae Hinata suspicious. "What? Why? Do you want him to call you cute when he sees you, like Kageyama did once?" he asked.

Natsu smiled innocently. "Maybe~ There's nothing wrong with being called cute by one of your friends. Especially if it's a boy. That means I'm at good terms if I ever want to date."

"WH- Natsu, you are seven-"

"Does it matter?"

Hinata rubbed his forehead, questioning his sister. "I don't know if he'll come over or not," he finally said.


"You are the most cheerful person I know!" Hinata protested, pulling away when she grabbe his sleeve, giving him a helpless look.

She sniffled. "You don't know what goes on inside, Onii-Chan. You have- No. Idea."

Sometimes I wish I was a single child. "Okay, okay!" Hinata muttered. "I'll call him, alright?" Natsu squealed gleefully.

Agitated, the older brother called Kenma. It rung once.



"Hello?" OMYGOD HE ANSWERED. Wait, calm down, Shoyo. You aren't supposed to gay panick in front of Natsu.

"Hi! How are you doing?" Hinata chirped, ignoring Natsu's impatient stare. He ended up having to turn his back on her. It only made her stare more intensely.

In the background was aggressive clicking and game noises. So it wasn't surprising when it took the setter awhile to reply. "Not much." More gaming noises. "You?"

"I'm.....uh....okay." Hinata was trying to speak without irritation in his voice. Natsu kept whispering what to say loudly. "I was wondering- Trying to ask you, if someone would shut up, if you were coming over when you visited?"

Kenma was silent for a moment. "I'm sorry- Do you want me to pause? I didn't know-"

Hinata almost dropped his phone from embarrassment. "No! Not you. I was talking to my sister."

"Oh." More silence. This was really awkward. "Well, okay. About the question that I think was meant for me- I was going to spend the night."

Natsu cheered loudly. Hinata glared at her, keeping his voice sane, when he replied, "Alright! That's great."


More silence, other than Natsu's smug noises.

"Well- Imma go now... Is that alright?" Kenma spoke up. Hinata nodded. He realized he wasn't visible, and felt even more embarrassed.

"Oki doki! I'll talk to you tomorrow?" he said. Kenma let out a soft yeah. "Alright! Love you!" Then he hung up before Kenma could reply.

He opened his mouth for a second. Natsu smirked at him. And he went red.

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