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After eating, Hinata was quick to escape. He didn't want any of his teammates seeing him, in case they asked him where he was going. Though he had to admit, he felt like a schoolgirl: sneaking out to meet her forbidden boyfriend. Hinata quickly pushed the thought away.

He was wearing jeans now, so he didn't feel the cold. As much. Hinata skipped through the slowly falling snow. Ahead, he could see his friend waiting for him.

Kenma was playing his phone, so he didn't notice his friend.

"Kenma!" he greeted the Nekoma setter. Kenma's head snapped up instantly. The anxiety hit him quick. Kenma bit his lip. He tried to push back the thoughts about yesterday, but it was hard. 

"Oh- It's you- I mean- Hey, Shoyo," he blabbered. He shook his head. "I could've walked you here"

Hinata tilted his head to stare at Kenma's house. "It's not that far from school though, only a thirty minute walk." He met Kenma's eyes, who were staring at him questioningly. "I like exercise!"

"Wouldn't doubt it. Don't you bike to school everyday?" Kenmma asked, opening the door for him.

The tangerine hopped inside. He led the way to Kenma's room, where he plopped on the bed, and glanced at him. The setter bit back a sigh and went to go look through his games. He found a game he really enjoyed to play, and pulled it out. "How bout this one?"

Hinata nodded immediately. Kenma doubted he'd even read the title, or got a good look at it. But hey; as long as he said yes, why should Kenma care?

He put the game into his playstation, handing Hinata an extra controller at the same time. The smaller boy looked excited. Kenma sat next to him and they began.

Not surprisingly, Hinata died a bunch of times. Eventually he got a little bit better, as Kenma carried him through missions. They defeated multiple enemies (though, even though Hinata wouldn't admit it, Kenma was killing most of them). Even two or three bosses.

"That's so unfair," Hinata whined. It was because he didn't get any rare items, but another player did. He pouted at the screen. "I got it first."

Kenma shifted, his arm feeling slightly numb as Hinata leaned against his shoulder. "Maybe you should upgrade your build. That way it's easier for you to get higher rank items," he suggested. Hinata let out a low 'mhm' and followed on, as Kenma instructed him how to do it.

It was slightly irritating. Kenma didn't really like helping others. He doesn't hate it. But it was annoying waiting for noobs, and having to support them. That's why when Lev asked for help on a game, Kenma would throw a volleyball at him.

Sometimes he'd even get lucky an hit the idiot in the head.

Even though Kenma had to go through some really stupid questions, the two eventually beat the game. At two in the morning.

"WE DID IT!" Hinata cheered, too energetic for a person who stayed up most of the night.

Kenma sighed and dropped backwards. He was so tired. "Yay...," he mumbled. Hinata frowned at him.

"There's no excitement in your voice, Kenma. You have to shout, like you're actually happy." The setter stared blankly at him. He opened his mouth.


Hinata rolled his eyes, but he had an amused smile on his face. They sat there in silence. Actually, when Hinata spoke up, Kenma was half asleep. "Do you want to try?"

Kenma rolled over, covering himself with a blanket. He barely had any energy to engage in a conversation. Socializing was hell anyways. But he still let out a low, "hm?"

"Going out..."

Instantly he was awake. Kenma sat up and stared at the tangerine, who looked awkward, and flushed. "You're going to- Wait- Do you- wha-"

Hinata gave him a soft smile. "You don't have to answer right away y'know. I was just...thinking out loud," he said softly, fiddling with his shirt sleeve. Kenma took a deep breath. He thought, and thought, and thought, and thought. Finally he came to a conclusion. To run away.

Wait- he can't do that. Dammit.

"I- Uh...Sure?"

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