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"What should we do today, since we're leaving tomorrow?"

Hinata never jolted awake so fast. He sat up. Yamaguchi had been talking to Asashi and Tsukishima. As usual, Tsukishima looked like he wanted everything to die. Yamaguchi and Asashi had a worried expression.

"Today's the last day?" Hinata asked, stretching. Tsukishima clicked his teeth, giving him a scornful glance.

Yamaguchi nodded. "Didn't you hear the coach announce it yesterday?" 

Tsukishima snorted. "No, he didn't. He was too busy simping over his boyfriend," he scoffed. 

Yamaguchi's mouth dropped open. "You have a boyfriend? Is it Kageyama?" he asked, curiosity glinting in his eyes.

Hinata made a face. "EWWWWWWWWWWW. NO. KAGEYAMA IS GOING TO DIE ALONE, I WILL MAKE SURE OF IT," he screeched. Did people really think he was dating cringe boy?

"No, it's not King. I think it's that shorty setter in Nekoma. They went on a date yesterday, and sometimes spend the night. I bet you they're busy fu-"

"No," Asashi interrupting him. "It's not good to spread possibly fake rumors."

"Okay, dad." Tsukishima rolled his eyes. "He didn't deny it though." Asashi sputtered for words before giving up.

Hinata had zoned out. By the way he stared ahead, slightly red, the team would think he was sick. But no one was thinking about that. Yamaguchi asking him, "is it true?" snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Of course not!" he said quickly.

Tsukishima smirked. "Sure, it's not true. He hasn't confessed yet, right shrimp?"

Hinata's face went redder than it already was. "Don't stay stuff like that! You have no proof to support your claim," he protested.

"Please. I don't need evidence, you're obvious enough. You're reaction shows you know I'm right too."


Hinata quickly escaped, embarrassed and flustered. As he walked down the halls, he realized he had a slight limp. Falling must've had an affect on his leg. He sighed. That meant it would take longer for him to play again.

Opening the door, Hinata was hit with sudden chills. Even though he had a shoes, and a jacket (the Karasuno jacket) on, but he still had on shorts.

He would've gone back, but he could already hear the comments. "Why'd you leave if it wasn't true?" Not wanting to deal with Tsukishima, Hinata wandered along the sidewalk. He didn't have to be reminded of how he felt. He didn't even know if this was love or not.

Ughhhhhhhh, this week has been so complicated. Hinata rubbed his temples, holding back another sigh.

It was freezing. But the stubborn boy didn't want to satisfy Tsukishima by letting the blonde idiot bother him. Hinata decided he would go to a small store, or cafe, and sit there for a bit. He'll come back when he was warm enough.

Movement might warm him up. He began jogging. Finally he spotted a comic store. Hinata slammed the door open, earning multiple stares, and walked inside.

The store was much warmer. Thank goodness.

In the back, there were seats for people who wanted to read. Hinata sat in one of them. He looked through a couple comics on the table next to him.

He sneezed.

"Shoyo?" Hinata looked up to see Kenma, holding one earbud. He was holding comics. His switch rested on them. His hair was tied into a small bun. Hinata noticed all this because he forgot how to speak, let alone breath, so he just stared. "What are you doing here?"

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