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"Hinata! Where were you yesterday?" Daichi asked, giving Hinata a stern glare. Asashi looked up from his phone.

Hinata shrugged. "I was at Kenma's house," he bagan. "And I ended up staying the night-"

"WHAT?" Daichi shouted at the same time Sugawara gasped, "Did you want to do it though? If not, I'm murdering the scum in his sleep."

Why was everyone was getting excited about Hinata staying over at Kenma's place? He was legit confused. He sighed, and rubbed his forehead. "He didn't kidnap me or do anything weird. We just played video games and I fell asleep," he explained. Sugawara let out a sigh of relief, while Diachi nodded.

Sugawara narrowed his eyes. "Why are you wearing Kenma's clothes though?" he asked. "And what's with the jacket?"

"I didn't want to be dirty," Hinata answered, getting slightly annoyed of having to answer the same questions Bokuto, and Kuroo, asked him.

"But why are you wearing the jacket? Take it off!" A more annoying, unbearable voice snapped. He turned to glare at Kageyama. "It's like you're trying to cheer for Nekoma or something! They're our rivals ,not our friends."

"Well some of them are my friends. The jacket is cool. I don't see anything wrong," Hinata growled back. "You're just upset because you don't have friends."

Kageyama glared at him with fiery blue eyes. "I have more friends than you, dumbass."

"Oh really? I can name every single one of my friends."

"So could I!"

"Kenji, Lev-"

A aura made Hinata stop talking. He turned around to see Daichi glaring into their souls. He looked extremely angry. "What did I say about you two arguing?" he asked, cracking his knuckles. "Do you want to be suspended from the team again?"

"Sorry!" Kageyama and Hinata said at the same time.

Asashi waved his hand. "Now, now. It's healthy to argue." He yelped when Daichi's head snapped his direction. "T-though I wouldn't suggest it! Uh- I meant arguing is- I like your jacket Hinata!"

Hinata smiled. "Thanks,"he replied. Kageyama grunted. Hinata couldn't figure out whether he was agreeing with the third year, or if he was annoyed.

Tsukishima came out of nowhere, followed by Yamaguchi (like usual), and sneered. "Aw, what's this? I didn't know Nekoma had such tiny fans. Say, kid, did you get the jacket for your tenth birthday?" he mocked.

"Shut up, sandpaper!" Hinata muttered.

Yamaguchi snickered in the background (like usual). 

Kiyoko walked by, and waved at them. She was distracted by Bokuto's nearby cheer. "Nekoma and Fukurōdani are having their match soon. Are any of you watching?" she called.

"No," Tsukishima answered bitterly.

"Aw, come on, Tsukii. Don't be like that," Yamaguchi pressed.

Hinata beamed. He rubbed his hands together cheerfully. Even if he couldn't play in any matches, he could still analyze how the teams moved. He did it before. "Sure! Let's go," he chirped eagerly.

"OH NO YOU DON'T. I'LL GET THERE FIRST." Hinata could hear Kageyama's footsteps behind him.

"Of course you will. One of my legs is trash!" he snapped, watching the setter slide past him. 

Kageyama, as expected, did make it first. Hinata finally caught up to him as people were entering the gym. He spotted Kenma, arguing with Lev about something. Bokuto was talking excitedly with Akaashi. Everyone looked cheerful. Except most of Kurasuno, who was glaring at Nekoma with full hatred.

"Hey Chibi-Chan!" Kuroo called, waving his hand to get Hinata's attention. "You should take off that jacket before your team hates you forever." He gasped in delight and began trying to get Tsukishima's, who was Yamaguchi had dragged along, attention.

Lev glanced up at his captains shout, and locked eyes with Hinata. "Looking good!" he beamed, giving him a thumbs up.

Hinata honestly hadn't expected this much attention. But at the same time, it was strange to see another school wearing Nekoma's gear. He fidgeted with the zipper.

Nishinoya caught up to him, in awe. He didn't look mad. "BRO. HOW DID YOU GET A NEKOMA JACKET? I don't know whether that's badass or a traitor move," he said. "How does did it cost for a person from another school to get one?"

Kenma glanced from Lev to him, and gave a slight smile. He looked smug. "It was free. It used to be mine after all."

"Cool! You're so lucky, my dud- wait, WHAT?" Nishinoya's complimenting turned into a demonic screech. Hinata facepalmed. Yea, Kuroo had been right. He should've taken the jacket off before entering the gym.

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