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Hinata couldn't get how people could handle being sad. It was extremely exhausting. So exhausting, that he fell asleep two hours after starting the game up to play with Kenma.

He woke up in the middle of the night, confused, and refreshed. For a moment he wondered where the heck he was, and if he was going to have to kill someone. His eyes slowly began to adjust to the darkness. Then he processed everything. Relieved that he wasn't kidnapped, Hinata yawned. He rubbed his eyes.

"Kenma? Are you alive?" Hinata whispered. No one responded. He narrowed his eyes. Didn't Kenma usually stay up really late playing games? Though he wouldn't doubt the idea that the setter was asleep, probably exhausted from the practice match.

What time was it? Hinata searched around for his phone. It wasn't that far from him, thankfully. He turned it on, blinking from the sudden light. OH CRAP. IT'S PAST 4AM.

He got up. And fell down again. The whole leg thing was irritating. He really didn't feel like using energy right now, even though he had a lot to spend. He was hungry and...really hungry. He needed food.

A rustle caught his attention. He narrowed his eyes. He realized it was just Kenma shifting in his sleep. Hinata crawled forward, curious to see what his friend looked like when he was sleeping. Was that weird? He was bored, and he'd done it to others alot- Hinata didn't get too close for Kenma to get uncomfortable, if he woke up. But he got close enough to see his face.

Honestly, Kenma didn't look bad. Up close, he was attractive. Kenma had taken his hair out. Hinata reached forward and brushed the blond strands from his face.

"You're really nice looking," Hinata muttered approvingly. He choked back a yelp when Kenma reached up and brushed Hinata's own face, before rolling back over. That was probably a normal sleeping-person move, but for some reason Hinata's heart was pounding. His face was slightly flushed.

Note to self: Stop watching people when they sleep. The thought of getting caught is terrifying.

At least he thought that was the reason he acted like that. He took a deep breathe and scooted away. His foot hit the crutch. He grabbed it, but didn't leave. Instead he made his way to Kenma's gaming chair, settled into it, and let himself fall back asleep.


"Hey, Shoyo?"

Hinata blinked drowsily when he heard his name. He yawned. It was early in the morning and- "Crap! I'm late for volleyball practice!" he gasped, jolting awake. He almost ran straight into Kenma, who caught him, and pushed him back down.

"Your school isn't over here. Besides you wouldn't be able to practice anyway," Kenma said flatly.

Hinata let a sigh. Kenma could be mean sometimes. He stretched his back, which ached from being in a sitting position for a couple hours. "I still have to go with you, or the team might get worried. And I can still practice."

Kenma frowned. "How? You can't jump, you can't stand. How are you going to catch a ball if it goes too far?" he questioned, crossing his arms.

"Oh- I didn't think of that. DARN IT. THIS IS SOOOO UNFAIR," Hinata pouted. He wasn't able to play in practice matches, and he wasn't able to practice. What could he do? "I can practice by watching you guys!"

He smiled when Kenma raised an eyebrow. Nekoma's setter rolled his eyes and gave in. "Fine. I should have some old clothes in the bottom drawer of the dresser. Wear that, so you don't have to wear the same clothes from yesterday." He leaned past Hinata and turned on his computer. "You can play games until I'm finished."

"What are you doing?"

"Taking a shower. What else?"

Kenma left the room, shutting the door behind him. Hinata went to his dresser and peeked into the bottom drawer. Oh wow. Kenma used to be my size. I wonder how old these are. He pulled out a white shirt and blue jeans. He noticed something tucked away. Curious, he pulled it out. It was a Nekoma jacket, except this one was smaller. Hinata stared in awe.

Last year Kenma was small too? He snickered evilly, and changed into the clothes, putting on the jacket too.

Hinata played game until the door opened. Kenma walked in, drying his hair. He wore a tie dye sweater and black jeans. He paused. "You're actually going to wear that?" Kenma asked.

"Why not?" Hinata chirped. "I think I'll keep it."

Kenma took a deep breathe, and looked away. He began putting on his shoes. "If you want, you can have it," he muttered.

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