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After the match against Karasuno, Kenma was exhausted. He pulled his hair back and tied into a ponytail. A couple strands came loose, but he didn't really care. He just wanted to feel the air on his face. He was standing outside the gym, avoiding extra practice. Karasuno had loss. Kenma wanted to get out of the tense and aggressive atmosphere.

Kenma probably wouldn't be able to concentrate either. He barely could during the match. "Or do you want to spend time with a cute little blocker?"  He covered his face. Why did he think of that? Honestly, he hated people.

He sighed, and crossed his arms. He shouldn't care what other people say. Kuroo was just trying to get to him.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Kenma pulled out his earphones and peeked out curiously. "You look depressed."

Hinata was talking to Sugawara. The tangerine looked sad and tired. Tucked cozily under one of his arms was a crutch, which he leaned onto lazily. "Mhm, I'm fine. I guess I'm just disappointed I couldn't play," he said.

Oh, he really does sound bummed out. Wait- what's it to me? Kenma sighed and tried to sneak away. "Was it something that Nekoma setter said?" Sugawara asked. He stopped in his tracks.

"Kenma? No, I'm actually glad he was there to help."

"Well, if there's anything wrong, I'm always there." Sugawara ruffled Hinata's hair (which looked like irritated him) before leaving.

Kenma exhaled. No one was talking bad about him. Good. He tried to sneak away, almost making it when a familiar voice called his name. Hinata ran, or at least went as fast as he could with a injured leg, to catch up. "Congratulations on winning. The team really looked forward to winning this practice match though, so you guys broke a few hearts," he said.

"I- Uh, thanks...I guess?" Kenma sputtered.

Now that he had a closer look, Hinata not only looked sad, he also looked really irritated. The orange fluff wasn't as bright as usual. "Where are you going?" he asked, yawning.

Kenma thought for a moment. "I just wanted to escape, so I guess I'm going home," he answered.

Hinata finally looked at him. "Woah! Your hair looks awesome!" he gasped. Kenma didn't know what to say. Did it really? He was thinking about that so intensely, that he was startled when Hinata reached up to brush a strand off his face. "Even with the loose strands. Long hair is cool."

Kenma was busy dying.

"Anyway, can I come with? I don't wanna go back just yet," Hinata chirped, walking past Nekoma's setter.

Coughing, Kenma finished processing what just happened. "I guess- wait. Come with me to my HOUSE?"


Why was he having such a weird reaction to that? Kenma cleared his throat. "Sure, if you want to," he muttered. "Oh- and um... What's wrong?"

Hinata stared at him,before shaking his head, and giving him a tired smile. "Nothing! I'm fine. Just a little disappointed I couldn't play in the match," he answered. Kenma narrowed his eyes. That was the same excuse he told Sugawara. Didn't Hinata know he was a bad liar?

But he wasn't going to pressure him. Kenma just nodded and began leading the way, putting back on his earphones. They didn't talk, which was weird. Of course Kenma wasn't one to start conversations, but Hinata usually blabbered his head off. It was really starting to bother Kenma. He was getting concerned.

When they got to his room, Kenma sat on his bed, threw his phone down, and glared at the orange-head. Hinata met his gaze, shifting nervously.

"What is it?" he asked.

Kenma didn't answer. He continued to glare at him.

"Am I standing in the wrong spot? Did I do something? WHY ARE YOU STARING AT ME LIKE THAT?"

Kenma stayed silent.

Hinata trailed off. He stood there awkwardly, probably trying to figure out if he did something wrong. One tear trailed the side of his face, and he gasped, as if he just shocked. Kenma watched as the crutch wobbled and he fell, and curled up into a ball. He sighed. This was extremely painful for some reason, and he did not enjoy this one bit.

Kenma got up, walked over to Hinata, and sat next to him. "Sure you're fine?" he asked.

"No, I'm not fine. I'm weak and hopeless."

"Why is that?"

"I dunno, I just feel like that."

"Get up." Kenma helped him get into a sitting position. He pulled his sleeve over his hand and began wiping away Hinata's tears. "It's because you hurt your leg isn't it? You feel ashamed and guilty. That is sooooo unnecessary."

To his surprise, Hinata actually laughed. "You think so? I can go a little overboard sometimes."

Kenma shook his head. "I don't think you're overreacting. It's just- Weak? Hopeless? That's a better descriptive of Kageyama."

Hinata almost died. "Nooo, Kageyama's scary, and really cool. Do you not think so?"

"I don't," Kenma answered, making a face. "He's annoying, creepy, and rude. I want to see him cry just once, and I'll be happy forever."


Kenma rested his head on his knee, and sighed. "If you call yourself weak again, I will never play with you in any games. Forever. You're strong and awesome. Don't forget that," he muttered. And I really don't like seeing you cry.

Hinata beamed. "Thanks!" he said. "Wait- You'll still play the game with me right?"

"Yes, dork."

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