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Two hours had gone by since we all arrived back home, and everyone went to their old, boring but at least peaceful lives. My life partner disappeared as soon as we hit the shore while the rest of our friends went home for that night.

Mom, Yusuke and I followed their example and went home where we threw together some good lunch to eat and later on get some rest or sleep. Thankfully it was Sunday, so we can have a good moment to breath before we jump back into our ordinary lives, which will start in tomorrow morning. A life that is mostly spend in that awful place which is known as Hell. . . Sarayashiki Jr. High.

The very thought of that awful place made my stomach do a flip while mentally groaning to myself. 

A sigh escaped from my lips as I finished washing the dishes. The time had flew by pretty quickly. I turn to the left side and looked through the window, only to see the night sky outside.

I can't believe that tomorrow we will just go back to school like nothing happened. . . it sounds so. . . boring. . . 

After finishing every list of my chores for the day I went to my room. When I got in I slid my window open for some fresh air, then I approached my closet to find some comfortable pyjamas I can use for a good night sleep. Little Aki chirped in front of me and I gave her a light pet in the head before digging through my clothes. My eyes suddenly caught that shopping bag that Botan had given me at the beginning of the summer holiday.

I don't know why but I picked it up and pulled out the same blue dress that I was forced to try on because some female friends want to see me look and be girly for once. The memory of wearing a dress still sent me shivers, but. . . the experience was not that bad as I thought it would be. . . much. . . Botan and Keiko were still pushy about it though, and I didn't like it and the only reason I even wore that stupid dress was because of Ruby's ridiculous condition.

It was both humiliating, for me at least but at the same time. . . It kind of gave me some kind of a wakeup call or something . . . a somewhat meaningful moment that made me eventually realize that there is still some hope in me. . . that I was not a lost case. . .

Still, that didn't change my hatred and bitter taste I have towards dresses.

'Maybe I'll give it to Ruby.' I thought to myself as I placed the blue dress back into the bag and hid it inside the depth of my closet.

She might like it. And also, it would be a good apology gift for ruining her white fighter attire she had let me borrow for the first three matches of the Dark Tournament. A small cooing sound came from my Spirit Beast who landed right on top of my shoulder. I looked at her with a soft expression before giving her some scratches to her belly and then close the closet doors.

After finding what I was looking for I took the Phoenix ring off of my right ring finger and placed it onto the night table before taking my pyjamas and towel into the bathroom.

The hot water's warmth hit every edge of my skin as I climbed inside the bathtub. Soon I feel my muscles relax while my mind felt at ease. I breathed in the warm air, then let it out as I can feel the stress being released form my body. Everything was so peaceful and quiet, just the way I wanted-.

Flaming Hearts ~From The Ashes I Rise ~Book3 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now