CH11 - Into the Hospital

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"Let's dig a hole Sniper, each one of us." Murota said those words, his voice now trembling all the way. "Eight graves would be a decent start. Black Angel, Gatekeeper, Sniper, Puppet Master, Gourmet, Game Master, Doctor and Seaman. Those were the words that came to his mind when he said the word eight."

"Sounds like fun." Yusuke commented sarcastically.

"But what does it mean?" Yana asked. "Are those the names of the guys that are making this tunnel? I mean there's eight of them."

"Eight. . ." I breathed out thoughtfully. "Is that all?" I asked as I turned to the mind-reader.

"I-I don't know." Murota stammered as he got a grip on his brown locks, still traumatized by the recent events that had to happen to him. "That's just what I heard in the back of his mind, like a speech he was preparing. Everything else is filled with hatred and the urge to kill."

"Gourmet, Doctor, Gatekeeper, those are got to be nicknames." Kido concluded.

"Well of course." Genkai agreed with the blonde.

"And not only that, those must be the clues to their special psychic abilities." I stated while my Spirit Beast chirped in agreement on my shoulders.

"By the way Yusuke, you did well with that confrontation." Master Genkai commented with a smile on her face while my brother looked at his mentor with confusion. "You finally showed patience. You didn't start punching like a moron." At that, Yusuke paused while looking at nothingness with the conflict in his eyes.

"Cause I think I was afraid of him." My brother's reply made me look at him with a softened up expression. "I sensed it right when we met."

"So, you felt it too. . . ?" I asked in a low whisper that is barely audible, but none the less he heard it and gave me a nod.

"Yeah." He told me.

"Felt what if you don't mind us asking?" Blondie asked from the both of us making me turn to him and then let out a sigh.

"I sensed it right when we met. . ." Yusuke answered first. "There is something, dangerous about him."

"However, it's not because of what you were able to sense. . . " I continued on thoughtfully. "It's what you couldn't. . . Even I couldn't sense what I wanted to know. . . however at the same time. . . I was scared to know what I might find out. . . though I do know that. . . it was not. . ."

"The real thing?" Yusuke's question finished my thoughts, only to earn a nod of agreement from me, because it was true in many ways. "If Toguro is all about throwing the fastball, then this guy definitely likes the curve."

"Yes, and we know that he's the type who saves that pitch until the very last any." The old lady concluded. "Whatever power is behind this is a mystery of his. He won't reveal it until he is ready to finish us. The fact that he didn't use his own power to attack Murota tells us that."

"What?!" The mind-reader exclaimed in shock.

"Are you kidding me?" Yana asked right after that in total disbelief.

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