CH33 - The Heartbroken

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As the other people were busy with the Game Master, the old Elemental and the Fire Demon walked side by side through the long tunnel in complete silence. While Hiei was occupied with his own world the tension just keeps on building up in the air. Hiei had his difficulties in his mind that even the blind woman was able to see that.

"Look, if you got problems in your head, you better lay them out before this battle." Yara told him snappily like she usually would whenever she trained her students. "It will only get in the way of your concentration."

"Tsk, I didn't ask for your opinion, you old bat." Hiei scoffed in annoyance. "Why even bother talking to me. I don't need teaching about something that I already know." Master Yara was not offended by one bit. In fact, she was just amused by his behaviour since it reminded her so much of her other two pupils, even though she does not take crap from anyone.

"Well, you are not lying about that." The elder woman sighed. "However, I can't help but feel your conflict from a mile away. As much as I consider you as a pain in the ass, I also respect your powers and strength as a warrior."

"Hn, what do you want exactly?" The Fire Demon demanded, already hating this conversation. "A sob story or what?" The tone was filled with so much venom leaving an indelicate taste on the tip of his tongue. Master Yara let out an exasperated sigh.

"I don't want anything else other than knowing how you feel after that confrontation you had to endure with that other dimwit student of mine." The old lady said casually yet in a soft tone which surprised the demon boy a little. Sure, he always had a distaste with 'human's being too soft' but instead of insulting it, he just kept himself quiet this time and tried to get his mind off of the running thoughts inside his head. "I know it must be hard-."

"Tsk, hard?" Hiei asked feeling ridiculous. "But it doesn't really matter anymore. She already made her choice and that says enough to me."

"Are you sure about that?" The question stunned for a second while Master Yara sighed. Since she did not know anything about his old life in general. "I know, I shouldn't stick my nose into it, but I can tell when someone needs some kind of lead to help them see things clearly." There was a small pause. "Right now, what is keeping you seeing clearly is your hurt feelings and your pride."

"Hmpf, what do you know and why waste your time talking to me about some wisdom nonsense when we have more important matters to take care of?!" Hiei pointed out snappily. He was done talking and bringing up what happened between him and Miyuki. He doesn't want others pity, he just wants to be left alone. . .

Just like he always wanted. . . That thought just made him feel. . . empty. . .

Even though his mind was telling him that's the right thing, that demon heart of his was saying the opposite.

But like always his feelings were pushed aside by his pride and stubbornness.

However, this small little conversation jogged up some recent memories from earlier. His conversation with

"Look, whatever happened, you should also consider thinking it through before you will end up doing something that you will regret." Master Yara continued on talking, but once more she only met with the Fire Demon's cold shoulder.

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