CH15 - Rising Problems And Frustration. . .

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I woke up with a start. My eyes fluttered open and once more I felt the chill ran down the edge of my skin. Feeling a little groggy still, I forced my body to turn around. Just as I thought, there was an empty space where Hiei used to be. A sad sigh came out of my lips before my gaze darted around my room. Everything was the same, only that Aki was gone as well, probably preferring my stubborn Fire Demon's company than mine for the day again. Finally got the strength to lift my upper body from the mattress-.

A sharp gasp escaped from me as my left hand shot up in reflex, touching the back of my skull, where the pain struck me like a bolt of lightning.

'What the hell. . . ?' I thought to myself grumpily as I pulled my hand away and looked inside my palm. The mysterious pain was now gone. . . but then I feel my eyes going wide a little when I noticed those strange marks went down to my forearm as well. I didn't miss a beat and went to my closet to open the door and look at the mirror. Once I saw my reflection, I see and feel the muscles on my face stretch and shift to a look of horror.

My skin was getting paler, and those damned marks were getting even more visible on the surface.


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[Miyuki. Sketch by me.]

'What is this?!?' I asked myself in a panic as my hands shakily crawled up to my face and helplessly looked at those strange marks from both of my Phoenix tattoos. 'Why am I like this, and why is this happening?' This is bad, and also frustrating. And the fact that everyone and I are in another big mess of the case, that didn't help me either. I examined the purple root marks on my skin's surface. My hand followed the roots and they came from the Phoenix mainly.

But why? Is it because I use the flame? Could this be some kind of side effect, now that it fully became a part of me?

Then I remembered about the last talk I recently had with Akio, reminding me of the dreamless night I just had. I remember how he wanted to warn me about something, but for some reason he didn't show up. I pinched the bridge of my nose and took a deep inhale. 'Shut yourself idiot. Keep your damn cool!' However it had been quite a hard task since these past couple of days. . . I just sighed and was about to check myself again. 

Taking a mental note of this, I checked my right side, which was completely clean from those cracks, for now.

"What is wrong with me?" I breathed out meekly, my voice even raspier than usual. I then was about to lift my shirt up to check on my stom-. A sudden knock on my door interrupted my thoughts making me rush toward the door and lean my weight onto it.

"Miyu?" Atsuko asked through the door. "Are you awake?" I see the door knob slowly turning, but I grabbed it and held it, so mom wouldn't come and see me like this.

Flaming Hearts ~From The Ashes I Rise ~Book3 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now