CH13 - Sleep Doctor, Sleep

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"These powers we psychics are required, I think they relate to our own talents and personalities. " The psychic known as the doctor started explaining to the Spirit Detectives who continued to stand their grounds." Like me, a doctor." Kamiya's eyes then met with Miyuki's cold stare." Like you said, I developed the power to save patients who would otherwise die on the table. But then I choose to use my gifts to kill." At that Yusuke growled at him. He was about to step forward, but Miyuki stopped him by raising up her hand.

"From our source we heard you have a person with the code name Puppet Master." She started with a calm voice as she took a few cautious steps forward to approach the doctor, who looked at the Urameshi girl with his eyes slightly widened. "However, I don't think he or she would be the one who is pulling the strings here."

"Yeah doc." Miyuki's brother chimed in as well, now catching up to the female Spirit Detective's side. "Which one? Is it Sea-man, Game-Master, Gourmet? You're not sane enough to be the leader."

"But then again, you speak so highly of that other one. . ." Miyuki added more. "Black Angel you said their name was? I guess that should be enough clue to get who the real leader is."

"You know their names?" Kamiya asked, not even hiding how shocked he was by the fact that the teens knew this much already.

"All eight." The male Spirit Detective said.

"But we need you to fill the other blanks." The female one added. " Why are you doing this?"

"How is he planning to beat us? " Yusuke also join to the interrogation. " What's his power? And where the hell are you hiding out? "

"Heh, I'll tell you!" The doctor replied with a crazed look on his face before he launched himself at the siblings with his razor-sharp psychic hand blades. He tried to once more slice their heads off but of course, the Urameshi siblings backed away in time, giving them enough space to dodge the rest of those swings that could cut the skin.

"I don't know how did you managed to get a doctor degree here." Miyuki commented sarcastically as she dodged another assault from Kamiya. "But that's really not how you answer a question." At the next swing, the female figure ducked down fast. Yusuke took that chance to hit the doctor who was off guard at the moment. The boy's fist made contact with the man's face. It was so powerful that it would probably snap anyone's neck by that point. But the looks of things, Kamiya was the only exception who quickly recovered after that fatal blow.

"Oh, come the fuck on!" Miyuki couldn't help but curse out loud, her patience is running short along with her sibling's.

"Yes, I know little dear." The mad doctor replied with a laugh of amusement as he fixated his brown locks from his bruised-up face. "That hit was too hard, I shouldn't be standing, but after blocking pain signals and an extra jolt of endorphins, I feel pretty good." The detectives glared at Kamiya's figure.

"Call off your territory, let these people get over your sickness and I swear we'll let you live." Yusuke told him harshly.

"Yeeesss. . . " The Psychic dragged the words in a low and raspy voice while his mad grin widened. "But you won't let me go free." The doctor concluded.

"Hn, like that's an option." Miyuki said in a scoff.

"You're going where straight jackets are dress-code." Her brother added, getting pissed by the seconds.

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