CH45 - Fighting with Burning Desire - Part 2

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The lightning was flickering all around us, booming louder every time it would hit the ground.

But I did not care about the atmosphere. My main focus was on myself. Mentally prepare for what's about to come while calming the storm that has been in my head.

'Deep breath.' I told myself. 'Focus. . .' I no longer will doubt in my abilities anymore. I won't let my fears control over me. I won't let my grief block the path of my true self anymore.

Despite all my mistakes that all of these negativities had created through me. . . teaching me many things to survive in this cruel life I had endured, . . they were also the very things that limited me from my potentials. . .

But not anymore. . .

As I was thinking about these things, I turned my head to the side and look at my brother who was also concentrating on preparing himself for the war, and as I was staring at him, I see a different side of him. And the longer I stare at his face I realized how much I had missed out, even though I was present in his growth many times. . . physically. . . . but never truly there. . . And now that I am. . . I can now see who he truly was. . . a fighter. . . Sure, he is still that one lucky and sarcastic son of a bitch I know since we were born, but he had also grown so much into the person he is today.

Someone who never gives up and will always take the first step to try his best to make things better, no matter what. . . and that proved to me that despite the fact that everything can go wrong and might not go away immediately, but this does not mean that things can't get better. . . . because they can. . .

And now. . . I'll do the same. . . make the first step to try and help him make things better. . . do my best to be truly there. . .

With a deep breath later, I opened my eyes and let the warmth of my Demon Energy and Phoenix Flame surround my very being from body to soul.

I was ready. . . I was ready for showing my inner Phoenix. . .

Within seconds, I was in the air with them and began to throw assault after assault. Both me and Yusuke throw as many kicks and punches as we could, but each of them were blocked by Sensui and his invincible armour. As my brother and I were fighting together, my mind was all blank and could only focus on the fight and what tactics that I can use to defeat the enemy. I was so occupied by all this that I didn't have even the milliseconds to pay attention to my surroundings.

That is until Sensui kicked me in the stomach and sent me flying along with my brother who got a great punch in the face. Eventually I recovered from the impact and forced my body to flip so I am able to land on one of those levitating boulders that I now was able to see. I also saw Yusuke land onto a boulder close to me. I turned my head to him and for that split second, we looked at each other, he glanced down at the rock he was standing, and nodded to me making me nodding back, understanding his plan. Within seconds I jumped off of the boulder before crushing into another one before me. With my fists, it got destroyed into pieces, right before I turned those pieces into and armour of my own. I threw my rock-fists at Shinobu who blocked them with ease, right before he threw a kick at me. I blocked it with my arms and of course it made me go on another flight backwards. Again, I flipped in the air fast and quickly made my arms go a gesture, that forced two gigantic boulders to hit Sensui. As expected, he blew them up with his fists and strange energy I had never seen before in my life.

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