CH22 - In The Rain Of Nightmares - Part1

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"GIVE ME A BREAK!!!" The Urameshi boy screamed in disbelief as he found out that another one of his teammates had decided to disappear for the day. "What do you mean he is missing?" Yusuke demanded from the boy with black curly hair and square glasses.

"He didn't come to school today." Kaito explained only to make Yusuke fume even more.

"What about you Water-Girl?" The Urameshi girl asked Ruby who was helping Atsuko make some tea or coffee for the guests. "Got any ideas where your Fox went?"

"Not really." The Water-Bender girl replied to the male Spirit Detective just as she finished with the hot drinks and brought them to the boys and masters. "He didn't tell me where he went, but he did ask me to check on Shiori and cover for him when she asked for his where-abouts." A growl escaped through Yusuke's gritting teeth as he glared down at his feet. It took only for a second, but within the next moment, he finally exploded.

"Hiei, then Kuwabara and now Kurama!" The moody teen grumbled getting angrier by the passing seconds. "YOU CAN'T COUNT ON ANYBODY!!! I JUST NEED TO DO THIS ALONE-!!!" His sentence was jut off by a cup that has thrown directly at his head.

"Shut up." Genkai told him off with a deadpan. "Now that we know where these psychics are hiding, we can mount an attack. But it must be carefully planned."

"And at fast before the time becomes even shorter." Master Yara added before she got her own cup from the tray that Ruby was holding.

"I've heard of Demon's Door Cave, it's like an urban legend." Yana spoke up as the bender girl left to Miyuki's room so she can give her some of the herb tea Kurama had suggested and might help her recovery improve.

"It's said scorn lovers go there to die which shows our enemies like irony." Kaito added on. "If we go unprepared, it'll be suicide as well."

"Hey! I don't need a lesson from you too, rookie!" Yusuke snapped at the teen. "Stupid freckles." He murmured under his breath as he began to walk up to the front door. At that, Keiko got up from her seat with Puu in her arms.

"Hold on Yusuke!" The brunette girl called out, stopping the teen on his track only to let his anger explode once more.

"DAMN IT!" The Urameshi boy shouted. "Everyone, just leave me alone! I'm going to the arcade." With one last yell he walked over and grabbed the door handle harshly.

"Oh, well in that case can you bring some cigarettes for me?" His mother asked only to be yelled at too.

"UGH, GO SUCK YOUR FINGERS THEN!!!" With that the door being slammed shut. The mother sighed and shook her head and went into the kitchen.

"I'm not sure what's gotten into him, he shouldn't be going out alone, should he?" Keiko asked as she turned to Genkai with concern.

"Give him some space." Atsuko told her as she took a small bottle out of the kitchen cabinet and pour the drink into a small glass. "He needs it so he can get his frustration out on something."

"But. . ." The brunette girl tried to protest. "Didn't we agreed not to separate from the group?" She asked as she remembered about the horrible experience, she and her friends had to endure last night. Sensing her discomfort Botan placed a hand onto her shoulder, gently.

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