CH35 - No winners - Part 3

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"Pardon my ignorance, but what does three-seven mean?" Yana asked Kaito.

"It's a test of your special reasoning, mathematical prowls and hand dexterity. It's fun." The teen with curly black hair started to explain. "Variations of the numbers from zero to seven drop and you must arrange them so that the sum of three numbers; vertically or horizontally is equal to seven, eliminating those blocks. You can also even get rid of blocks by as the title suggests lining up three seven in a row. The object of the game is to clear as many blocks as possible which becomes increasingly difficult as they fall at faster speeds. If the blocks fill up all the way to the top, you lose." After all this rule explanation the purple haired teen groaned while he tried to take all this information into his brain.

"I got a migraine just from listening to the instructions." Yana said dizzily holding his temple.

"Yes, it can be quiet the frustrating brain buster." Kaito replied . "Once, I played up to thirty-six without sleep trying to beat my own high score."

"Thirty-six hours?" The Urameshi boy exclaimed in utter disbelief.

"Uh, yeah." Kaito replied like it was not that big of a deal while fixing his glasses up to his nose bridge. "Everyone needs a hobby." He added casually before everyone shifted back to their redhead who still felt uneasy by this forced situation.

With heavy steps he stopped and looked down at the control panel in grief before turning to the little kid.

"Listen Amanuma, I have something I need to ask you." Kurama spoked softly first which broke Ruby's heart when she heard it.

"What is it?" The little kid asked looking at the redhead curiously.

"Did Sensui specifically instructed you to challenge us in Goblin City?" The Fox-Demon questioned.

"What's it to ya?" The little Psychic exclaimed a little rudely, like an arrogant little kid would. "Yeah, Mr. Sensui really likes this game and thought it would keep you guys busy." He then started to brag proudly. "I said I didn't care because I'm good at them all."

That made Ruby lower her gaze down and gripped her belt tightly.

'So that's why he waited for him to use his powers now. . .' The Water-Bender mentally concluded as she silently raged and cried inside. Kurama felt the same way as his own suspicions were confirmed at this moment. Still, this kind of possibility tore him apart from the inside out.

"I need to know. . ." The redhead started to tighten his fist, his own nails digging deeply into his skin, not caring if it would scratch the surface. "Do you understand what Sensui plans to do?" All he felt was anger, but not toward the little boy, but toward the person who had orchestrate all this.

"Of course, I do!" Amanuma replied. "He'll let a bunch of demons out of their hole so they could wreak havoc and mess with everyone." He said with such a happy tone that it made everyone feel a twist in their stomachs. "I thought it would be fun, plus no school for a while, sweet. I think the best part is while all those dumb people are running and screaming, I'll be safe in my territory, playing games without homework or parents." Once he finished it, Kurama felt the monster within himself called Guilt crawled up from the depths of his heart that clawed deeply into it.

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