CH5 - Meeting the kidnappers

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"Is this the place?" Kuwabara asked as he and his team were looking at the bizarre looking mansion that was standing in front of them. It looked similar to the haunted houses from horror movies with a design that would remind you to the fun houses that were usually in theme parks, but much darker and more frightening. Effects and looks that would give you the chills and plant fear into your heart. "It looks deformed." Kazuma commented on.

"It's the only old mansion on the block." Botan stated.

"Well, stay here Botan." Kuwabara asked the bluenette girl. "Whatever this house is, it's definitely not safe for non-fighters."

"That's sweet I guess, but I'm going." Botan said with a serious tone as she held her brief case. "With Yusuke out and you missing your Spirit Energy, Miyuki and I are the only ones who can use the detective tools that might come in handy here."

"She is right." The redhead agreed with a small nod of his head. "Our strength lies in numbers." As he said that Miyuki approached the front door first, only to be stopped by a note that was posted on the wooden surface.

"The house of four dimension: Once entered this do not ever utter the word 'HOT'." She read it out loud so her comrades can hear it too.

"Is this some kind of riddle?" Kuwabara asked curiously and a little confused.

"No." The Fox-Demon replied. "It's a warning. There's no way to know if it's real. But we may as well take precaution."

"Right, nobody say 'HOT'." Kazuma told everyone only to be shushed by Botan before all five entered the building.

Meanwhile inside one of the mansion's insanely structured rooms, Yusuke was standing still in agony while the blonde teen, one of the kidnappers was leaning against a pillar while watching the male Spirit Detective suffer.

"Damn it." Yusuke cursed as every inch of his body was trembling while the muscles on him were screaming in pain.

"Your friends and sister have come to visit you Yusuke." The kidnapper known as Kido said as he chuckled in amusement at the sight of the glaring Urameshi boy.

"What are you poser bastards are up to?" Yusuke demanded. "How come I can't move? And hell, why do your doors look stupid?!"

"You've entered my territory." The blonde teen explained. "Space and time follow different rules. See how I'm stepping on your shadow?" As he asked the Urameshi boy glanced down at his enemy who was standing directly at his shadow. "Here its binding like a strait jacket, now try to relax, our night is about to begin." Kido laughed quietly while Yusuke could do nothing but send him threatening looks.

With the small team of five, they eventually reached the first room of the mansion which hid behind a round shaped and automatic door. The room was filled with lights that spread warm colours all over the place. Bookshelves were standing on the right side, while many tropical plants were standing and blooming in their glory with one giant and round fish bowl with fishes swimming in it. There was also a fridge at the corner and a chandelier on the ceiling which was also a heater. A machine that provides warm air for the room.

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