CH26 - Sensui's Fall

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"Thank you very much." Atsuko thanked the cashier after she got her bags that were filled with many items and food material. The mother figure began to walk towards the exit, but she was in such a hurry that she did not notice the person before her. The impact made both adults fell on their butts. "Ugh, stupid crowd!" Atsuko grumbled under her breath as she got on her knees and collect her items.

"Oh goodness me, I am so sorry ma'am!" The man she bumped into apologized profusely before approaching the woman and give a helping hand. "Here, let me help you with those!"

"Thanks!" The woman sighed as she managed to get one half of the groceries while the stranger got the other half and handed it to the mother figure. "Thank you agai-." Atsuko thanked him once more, but when their eyes met, recognition hit them both. "Hey, I remember you." The woman said as she took her plastic bags away and pointed one finger at the man with black-hair and piercing blue eyes. "You are the teacher who helped my daughter."

"Oh, yes." Mr. Yoshida replied politely as he dusted himself off and extended a hand toward the woman. "And if my memories don't fail, you are the mother of Yusuke and Miyuki Urameshi Miss. . . ?" He trailed off in the end since he didn't remember her name.

"Atsuko." The mother figure introduced herself with a small smile forming on her lips. "Please call me Atsuko." She said as she rubbed the back of her neck. "And about earlier, I should be the one apologizing. After all, I was the one that was in a hurry and didn't look where I was going." Hearing her shy voice, the teacher figure couldn't help but smile in amusement a little, mainly because he finds it adorable.

"Eh, it happens." Yoshida laughed lightheartedly, trying to ease up the tension between them. Atsuko also gave a hearty chuckle as she tucked away a stray hair from her face, looking down at her grocery bags. "Speaking of which. . . " The man trailed off right before loudly clearing his throat. "How is your daughter doing?" The question caught the mother figure off guard a little, but least she was able to get out of her flustered state.

"O-oh. . . she is doing better." Atsuko replied, a little unsure about how to answer it. "She just needs a little more time to rest, but I'm sure she will be alright by next week."

"Okay." Yoshida breathed out with a sigh of relief. "I'm glad to hear it." Seeing how much he cared about his student, Atsuko's heart melt in secret, but she did let a small smile curl up on her lips.

Without even realizing, the two were staring at each other for a while, lost in each other's eyes while others around them walked past them.

Like nothing else mattered at the moment. 

 It didn't take long for the mother figure to realize about the staring contents taking place first. But after her realization, her entire face turned red in embarrassment.

"I better get going." Atsuko said in a hurry and she ordered her legs to move fast. Yoshida watched the woman disappear with this strange feeling burning inside of him. He hadn't felt anything like that before. . . not for a really long time since. . .

The feeling brought the Drama Teacher some bitter sweet memories from his mind, but right before he was about to leave, he noticed something hiding behind the garbage can. He walked over and carefully picked it up.

"Bandages?" Yoshida questioned then his eyes went wide in shock before turning to the exit's direction.

Flaming Hearts ~From The Ashes I Rise ~Book3 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now