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I feel my eyes flutter open, but it was hard since they felt so dry and sore from all the sadness, I had vented out yesterday. . .

Yesterday. . .

Once I feel my consciousness finally come to me, I realized how cold the air was around me. My arm in reflex went to reach for something next to me, only to find the empty space and then the open window above me, forcing me to sit upward and then look around myself.

I was back in my room where I had spent my last night with the demon that I love within his embrace that always kept me save, with his presence nearby that makes you feel like anything is possible. . .

But now he is far-far away, where I can only watch when I can spot him whenever he allows himself to be seen and found. . .

At this moment, again, came the hatred that I feel toward myself so much for coming forth and end something that both of us held dearly, found magnificent and beautiful. Our miracle.

But right now, that's for the best. . . yet it still hurts so much. . .

I looked at the ceiling above me, and just feel my own sorrow try to drown me again. There were no tears this time around, mainly because I let them all out at yesterday's farewell. . . Before I can let myself mourn more about mine and Hiei's relationship, I see the open letter from the corner of my eyes. I weakly turned my head toward it, then my hand lazily reached for it and carefully took it and began to read it again.

To My Dearest Friend,

This is my very first letter, and most likely be the last that I will be able to give you before my new fate. Either way, by the time you read this, it must mean that something happened, and need some of my help. I'm sorry I cannot be there when you're sad or when you're crying. I would give anything to just hug you and tell you that everything will be alright. But unfortunately, I cannot do it and it breaks my heart to even have the knowledge of that. But the least I can do is offer my comfort as best as I can whenever you need it.

I know you might think you don't deserve it, but from my perspective you deserve the whole world.

You had given me a reason to laugh, to smile and to know what a true friendship is like. You had given so much just so you can make others feel loved and cared for. You had suffered so much, yet you still insisted on caring about the people you love and make sure that they are safe and sound.

But you're more than what you can give to others. And like everyone, you deserve the chance to be happy too.

Don't feel guilty for what happened to me, or for what happened to your friends, and don't hold your true self that you had forced back from the world and into the dark closet. You're not cursed and you're not a bad person.

You are a gift.

You are an amazing friend, and I want you to live the happiest life you can get. You may trip or fall, cry and laugh, but there are always people out there who would care about you and always lift you up when you're down.

That's how life is. A life which is unpredictable and always full of surprises, with many people who we can meet. People are different and unique, believing different things and liking different stuff. And that's okay.

Flaming Hearts ~From The Ashes I Rise ~Book3 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now