CH31 - No Turning Back

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As we were walking, Hiei had informed me that the others will be waiting not too far. Thank heavens my memory was good enough to remember what Kurama said about Hiei wanting that cursed tape so now at least we can have the perfect team back. Or at least most part of it.

And now that brought me back to my sister who had been captured by those jerks and Three-eyes said that he had seen and fought with her before she kicked his ass. . .

At that very thought I stole a glance from the demon who is walking beside me.

He was as quiet as usual, but this kind of silence hits differently. So did his eyes that reflect some sort of anger.

'Was it that bad?' I thought to myself. 'Did they break up during that fight or what?' I questioned myself.

"There is nothing that needs to be discussed." Hiei's stern voice ripped me out of my thoughts. My eyebrows furrow questioningly at the demon guy next to me.

"I didn't say anything." I told him, puzzled only to get his famous scoff of annoyance.

"No but your thoughts are too loud for my liking." That little shrimp boy snapped back at me, hitting another one of my nerves for the day, pissing me off. I wanted to yell at him to screw himself off, but the look in his eyes, even though he wasn't really looking at me directly, it stopped me from blowing up like I usually would do with Miyuki whenever she would make a snide remark. "Either way, it doesn't matter anymore and I don't care much. Once this is over, I will leave to Demon World and you don't have to worry about your sister anymore." That threw me off. It made me angry at first because of the way he said it, like he just used my sister, but I swallowed back my rage hard and for once tried to use my brain. And when I did that, when I managed to culm the 'f' down, I was able to see things clearly.

Hiei is really a jerk when it comes to words, but his actions always speaks volumes that are louder than my own childish scream matches with Kuwa. Or his gestures.

He actually. . . and genuinely looked hurt. . . It doesn't show much but I can feel it right there. That actually got me thinking. . .

Hiei said Miyu used blood bending on him, something that she never used on others. Even though Master Yara only sparred with me, she also taught the girls about different techniques which I also over heard. Not much but enough to understand. Miyuki also told me this stuff and she also admit it to me that she hated it, even though she used that on herself, not caring that she would get hurt. . . .

The fact that Miyuki used that technique. . . the very thing that she disliked on the very person she loved. . . . . Then it hit me. . .

I let out a scoff of a bitter laughter. . . Typical Miyuki. . . Even though she appears as a cold-hearted bitch like Genkai or Yara combined, she still had compassion towards others who deserve it. . . She never wants anyone to be hurt and she would protect them within a heartbeat.

And I guess that bastard who offered that trade saw that and took advantage of the situation, especially when my sister was in the most vulnerable state. . .

Flaming Hearts ~From The Ashes I Rise ~Book3 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now