CH21 - Setting it to motion. . .

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I feel my eyes flutter open in reflex as soon as I feel the rays of the sunrise's hit me in the face. The first thing I see was the glass on the night-table with the phoenix ring next to it. That's when I took notice of the pattern that is beating under my left ear and inside my mate's chest.

Her heartbeat. . .

Carefully, I lifted my head up from Miyuki and look down at her sleeping form in awe and admiration.

That flawless skin that is as pale as snow. . . The hair that is so black as night, yet so soft as silk with the fragrance of lavenders. . . so long and beautiful. . . And those pinkish lips that were so warm. . . so soft . . . like I was kissing the wings of a butterfly. . . And every time I kiss her, I feel my soul just lit up with fire. . .

I snapped out of my small trance before I would end up staring at her too much. I pull away, and shook my head violently.

'Control yourself!' I mentally scolded at myself before I got out of the bed. As soon as I stood onto my feet, my body is already craving for her warmth. At that, I shook my head again, waking myself up from my own foolishness. and start my usual routine. I put my shoes on then took the sword from the wall, putting it onto my waist. Then I went for my cloak that was now bone dry. Ready for today's search I went for the window, but stopped for a second to take a look at my mate and her beauty. Sighing with heavy heart I walked up to her on my tip-toes and gave a gentle kiss onto her temple before I left through her window.

Every time I leave her, the weight on my shoulder's became heavier and heavier along with the ones that is resting on my demon core.

Never in my life have I ever thought that I would become attached to someone this much. . . 

Never in my wildest dreams would have I ever thought I would ever find. . . love. . .

To this day, I still find it hard to believe that I had managed to find something that I found impossible in my entire life. . .

I stopped on my tracks and turn back to the building's direction again where my partner is. . .

Miyuki had mentioned this confusion that is building up inside her in the previous week. She would occasionally mention, but in a way like, she is embarrassed about it.

I don't know what her confusion is all about, but I will always reassure that we will find it out together. . .

However, after those kinds of talk, I also found my own confusion. It started as soon as I learned that there is a chance for me to go home. To Demon World.

I mean, isn't this what I always wanted?

To go back to the world, I came from and become stronger. . . I still wanted that. . . but now. . . I don't know. . .

Flaming Hearts ~From The Ashes I Rise ~Book3 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now