CH38 - Spirit Detective Showdown

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A huge gust of wind came into the forest, but in each passing second it picked up speed and strength. It almost knocked off of Botan from her footing, who was with the small group, waiting for the rest of the people to finally come out of the cave's mouth.

"Dear." The bluenette girl gasped as the breeze was brushing her hair to the side rather violently. "They had been down there forever. What's taking them so long?" Master Yara just sighed gravely in her meditating position and turned her face to the side while her sister finished working on Mai's memories.

"Patience Botan." Genkai spoke up as the glowing of her hand had stopped." It's the end of the world, you can't just flip it off like a switch." She let out a sigh before sitting back down on her bottom and remove her palm from the still unconscious teen girl and order her stare to look at the cave's entrance as well.

"I know. . ." The young Grim Reaper breathed out in a small and impatient whine as she looked back into the darkness.

"Like Yara said we have to trust the weapons we got, and cross out fingers. That's all we can do at the moment. . ." Ruby continued on trying to reassure her friend, even though she sounded a bit bitter by all this and at this point not too sure of her judgement anymore. It's not like she doesn't have faith in her friends who had pushed themselves towards the very edge of death again, no, she was scared to death, even though she was now away from the battle. Especially now that she had just found one of the strongest people alive, her best friend, dead by these very people. And because of that she of course, felt extremely concerned about what will happen next and. . .

Who will end up leaving the living. . . ?

It made her feel helpless and frustrated by the fact that she won't be able to be there and help, but at the same time, she knew deep down, this wasn't meant to be for her. With a sorrowful sigh, the Water-Bender girl looked down and her friend's, Miyuki's peaceful and pale expression on her lap and brushed away the black locks from her closed eyes before mentally praying for the other's safety and hope that they will come out alive.

The same concerns ran through Koenma's mind as well who had been running through one long tunnel to another.

"Keep holding them Yusuke, your cavalry is coming." The Prince of Spirit World said to himself as he followed the glowing flowers that was leading him toward his destination. "I just hope Kurama didn't run out of seeds." He loudly thought to himself as he continued on his path with a racing heart that might stop in any second due to the stress that had reached above and beyond.

The whole Universe is in danger and its fate is now in his hand, and he is the only one who can truly deal with it. But if not, Spirit World have to take drastic measures. And the Heir of Spirit World can only pray that moment will never come around. . . However, deep down he knew the last remaining straw of hope will snap eventually and will give him no other chance or more time to fix the mess he had created in the first place.

And the fact that it costed one of the most promising Spirit Detectives life, it was a guilt that he will carry on his shoulder forever along with the many irresponsible and reckless decisions that he had collected over his lifetime.

The very thought that one of his chosen ones died by the hands of someone he once considered a trust worthy ally. . . A chill went down his spine because that made him open his eyes to the harsh realization. If Sensui and his men are that superior. . . there is no way his remaining hope, Yusuke will be able to do anything about it. Especially since this is Sensui they have to deal with.

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