59 | by and by

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By and by—in each stride I takewith both my feetdown the roadto my destiny

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By and by—
in each stride I take
with both my feet
down the road
to my destiny

By and by—
people come only to go
to leave me alone
with my dark
destructive thoughts

By and by—
the sky stretches
every time I come close
to reaching and claiming
the light from the stars

By and by—
my fingers brush
the clouds but I
never really grasped
what I wanted more of

By and by—
in each task, I toil
with both my hands
under the sun
to my end

By and by—
people come and go
to leave memories
that stay and hurt
to remember forever

By and by—
I believe that I
am a lowly being
every time I see
someone ahead of me

By and by—
I have come to realize
that fate exists
to never give us
what we hope for

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