//3 - "Let's go dance"//

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"Ok Jin, I thought we were going to our usual spot but now I think you've actually lost your mind," Jimin says as he hangs back, prompting Jin to turn around and put his hands on his hips.

     "I most certainly did not! And besides, I got tired of going there," he replies and Jimin still looks at him like he's crazy.

     "There's a bunch of other places we can go to, preferably one within our budget! My crummy part time job can't pay for this and your jobless ass definitely can't pay for it either. But nooo, you just had to pick one of the most expensive and exclusive clubs here."

Jin childishly stomps towards him and Jimin braces himself, but Jin still grabs his arm and he pulls him towards the end of the line.

"Don't worry about it, I know the bouncer so that's why he's gonna let us in, no problem. And I'm not that poor."

Jimin side eyes him as they move along, getting closer to the entrance. "I don't even wanna know how you know the guy."

Jin looks at him, offended. "Hey! It's not like I throw ass to just anyone."

"Mm, ok."
"Yah, stop slut shaming me!"
"I'm not!"
"Ugh, whatever."


"What do you mean we're going out?"

"It means exactly what I just said, now go get dressed," Taehyung says, trying to pull Jungkook up from the couch, but he struggles just a bit. Hoseok goes to help him but Jungkook ends up setting his whole weight down and both men fall back onto the floor.

"You guys know I can't just leave my kids without a guardian," Jungkook makes a point but they just stare at him blankly. He even looks over at Namjoon for support but he too is staring at him like that.

"Yeonjun is the eldest, he's 16. I'm sure he can handle holding down the fort until we come back," Namjoon says and before Jungkook can say anything about it, he calls out to Yeonjun who's chilling upstairs. They hear faint footsteps grow nearer and Yeonjun walks into the living room, his eyes growing wide as he sees his dad and his uncles.

"Oh no, what did I do? Are we having an intervention?" He asks, scared, and Jungkook raises an eyebrow.

"Should we be having an intervention?"

"Jungkook, relax. Listen, we're trying to take your dad out tonight so you're going to be in charge while we're gone," Namjoon says and Yeonjun nods excitedly at the idea. Most of the kids should be going to sleep soon, except him and Changbin. They'll basically have the house to themselves.

"Yea, definitely!"

Jungkook huffs. "You sound excited to get rid of me. And where are we going exactly?"

"The Red, duh."

"Don't you think we're too old to be going out to clubs?" Jungkook genuinely asks and Hoseok replies.

"Being in your 30s is not old."

"For trees," Yoongi retorts and Yeonjun snorts, causing Jungkook to look at him to which he immediately stops.

"Come on dad, you've been working nonstop lately and I think it'd be great for you to go out, have some fun, you know?"

"That's exactly what we're saying. It won't be that bad. I mean, have you ever had a bad experience at The Red?" Hoseok asks and he doesn't let Jungkook answer. "I don't think so. So come on, we'll be waiting in the car."

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