//6 - "So how did it go?"//

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     Jungkook and his kids are eating breakfast, a lively conversation going on between the children. Luckily for him, his headache is almost gone because otherwise, he feels like he would've snapped at them to be quiet. He hates raising his voice at them so when he has to scold them, he usually does it in a firm, authoritative but calm tone.

     He sips on his coffee and enjoys the food his son made. He smiles softly as he remembers when Yeonjun would hang around his mom all the time in the kitchen. He was such a momma's boy and since her passion was cooking, he wanted to learn too because he wanted to make her proud and happy. It shows how much he's learned.

     He notices how Soobin and Yeonjun are whispering to each other, clearly hatching a plan since he knows them all too well.

"Mr. Jeon, I was wondering if Yeonjun could have permission to go to the arcade with me?" Soobin asks shyly and he smiles as he was right.

     "But we were gonna go to the park today!" Taehyun shouts and the other little ones agree simultaneously.

     "If Yeonjun gets to go, I want to go too," Changbin chimes in and Yeonjun gives him an annoyed look. They all begin to raise their voices as they argue over each other about where they're going to spend their Saturday at. The only ones who are unbothered by all of the ruckus is Minho and Jeongin as they're too busy eating their chocolate chip pancakes, their hands and cheeks sticky with syrup. Jungkook rubs his temples.

     "Hey, quiet down now please. We can still go to the park. If you're going to the arcade, take Changbin with you and please be careful, alright."

"Fine," he sighs. "Can I at least take the car?"

Jungkook quirks an eyebrow and Yeonjun pouts.

"I'll be extra careful."
"One scratch and it's gone."
     "Got it."

"So how did it go?" Hoseok asks Jungkook, looking at him expectantly and awaiting an answer. He knew this would happen if Hoseok and Namjoon tagged along but he needed help caring for the kids as they run around the park. By no means does he regret any of his children, but he sometimes wonders why they had so many.

He rolls his eyes with a sigh. "How did what go?" He knows this is a pretty stupid response on his part.

Hoseok smacks his shoulder. "You know what I'm talking about. Joonie, get him."

"Huh?" Namjoon looks away from the dogs being walked by their owners and faces them. Hoseok huffs through his nose.

"I'm trying to get Jungkook to spill the beans and you're no help."

"Oh, right. I've tried to get him to talk when I picked him up this morning but he wouldn't budge. I think he's embarrassed," he teases, nudging Jungkook's side.

"Yah, stop bothering me. Why are you guys so interested? Goddamn perverts," he replies bitterly and both Hoseok and Namjoon snicker.

"He's embarrassed because he liked it too much when he thought he wouldn't," Hoseok says and Jungkook gets up from the bench.

"I hate you both," he says as he walks away towards Minho and Jeongin who are playing in the sandbox. He squats down to their level.

"What are you boys making?"
"A castle but Jeongin keeps ruining it."

     "Am not! You're just bad at building," Jeongin sasses and Jungkook smiles until Minho pushes him.

     "Hey, be nice," he scolds and Minho looks down at the sand with a pout. "Apologize to your brother."

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