//41 - "Come in"//

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"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Jimin stops eating his food and looks at Jin, astounded. He looks at Moonbyul. "Did you hear that?"

She nods in acknowledgment and also turns her attention to Jin, her eyes filled with outrage. "Seokjin, you don't need that shit."

Jimin slams his hand on table, causing a few people to glance at them. "You're goddamn right he doesn't. Jin, how old is this guy?"

Jin answers shyly. "He's 35."

Jimin chokes on his water and Moonbyul just slowly sets her utensils down, her eyes wide and once Jimin recovers, he joins her expression.

"I'm fucking confused now. After Mr. Woo, you said you weren't going to fuck with relationships anymore. Tell me why you want to tie down a man, a grown ass man, when he clearly doesn't want any sort of serious commitment. You're wasting your time!"

"I agree with Jimin. Don't you think it will be a little awkward after that? Things are obviously not going to be the same."

"You guys are acting like I'm asking him to marry me! Is it wrong to want to be in a simple relationship?" Jin retaliates.

"No it's not but when it's a red flag, there's no denying it. There's nothing simple about this, Jin, it's complicated when it shouldn't be at all. I care about you, we care about you," Jimin signals both him and Moon. "As your friends, we're telling you how it is and the best we can do is hope that you'll listen to us. It makes me sad to see you behave so differently after only being with him for a few weeks."

"You're smarter than this. Don't settle for whatever you can get when you deserve so much more. Please take our advice because we all know that nothing good will come out of this. Because we all know that you're gonna be the only one who will come out hurt in the end."

Jin looks at them sadly and nods. He knows they're right but he can't help but feel so disappointed. It started off so well, he treated him with respect, he never hid anything or lied to him. He really thought Junhee liked him. He's gonna have to let it go.

     "I gotta go, I have a class in 20 minutes. I'll see you guys later and Jin, it's in your best interest to really think about what you're going to do. Please," Jimin says as he gets up, grabbing his bag and slinging around his shoulder.

     "See ya," Moonbyul says and she turns her attention back to Jin. She reaches for his hand and cradles it in hers. "You know me and Jimin are here for you. We got your back, you know, like we did in high school."

     Jin smiles and nods. "Yea."

     They finish eating before grabbing their stuff and leaving too. They walk out of the restaurant together.

     "I gotta go too Jinnie. Text me if you need anything, alright?" Moonbyul offers as she brings him into a hug.

     "Ok," Jin replies as he hugs her back and they say bye one last time before going their separate ways. As he's on his way back to the car, he thinks about how to end things with Junhee. He wants to get it over and done with because he knows that he'll dwell on it if he stalls. He won't settle anything that way. If his friends don't want him to be stooping this low for a man who can't commit, then he shouldn't either. Before he knows it, he's already pulling up to the company, walking into the building and to the reception desk.

     "Oh hi Seokjin," she greets him kindly and he's honestly surprised she still remembers him. It's been a while since he came here for that modeling gig he did for Jungkook as a favor.

"Hey Sohae. Listen, can you do me a favor?"

"Depends on what it is. What's up?" she asks, leaning forward.

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