//37 - "Jinnie, where's appa?"//

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     Jin continues working on his paper through the chaos going on in the background, having already become used to it. By this time, the kids would've driven him up the fucking wall but he's learned to cope. Besides, it's entertaining to see Yeonjun struggling to keep up. It's his punishment from Jin for the shit he put him through.

There's still no sign of Jungkook once dinner time rolls around and this irritates him. He knows how much of a workaholic Jungkook is but a notice would've been nice. He's done it before so he knows it's not an issue.

He calls him but it goes straight to voicemail.

He sends him a message instead, letting him know that him and the kids are gonna go ahead and eat first since it'll be bedtime for them soon. He's sure he'll understand.

"When is dad getting home?" Yong Sun asks as they sit down and Jin shrugs, serving them their plates.

     "Not sure but I'm guessing he's working late again tonight. I let him know that we're eating without him and he said that's fine," he lies, knowing the little ones like to eat dinner with Jungkook. However, he hasn't gotten a response back. Hell, he hasn't even read his message and this pisses him off. But his anger quickly dissipates when he realizes that there's a chance something must've happened. But Namjoon and Hoseok would've come over if it was bad.

     "I'll be right back, you guys continue eating," he excuses himself and goes out into the hallway, attempting to call him once more. This time, he does pick up.


     He scoffs at his tone. "You could've let me know you were working late again. When are you coming home?"

"I'm actually having a dinner meeting at the moment, that's why I didn't answer you before. Don't wait up and tell the kids I'll see them in the morning."

Jin furrows his eyebrows in confusion. He can't pinpoint exactly what he finds odd about his response but to him, his tone sounds... cold, for lack of a better word. Usually, Jungkook is more than ready to go home and see his family but this time, he doesn't seem to be worried. Maybe this is an important meeting and he's trying to be professional in front of them. But could it be that much more important than his children?

"Um, ok. See you tomorrow then."

"Yea. Bye."

He's met with the dial tone and he pulls his phone away, staring at Jungkook's contact in disbelief. Are you fucking serious right now? Who does a 180 like that? Even if it is important, that's no excuse to be such a jerk. Jin is even more pissed now but he masks it as he re-enters the dining room.

"He feels bad for not making it to dinner but he says he loves you and to have a goodnight. He will see you all tomorrow morning," he lies once again and his heart feels heavy when he sees how sad the little ones become.

He better make it up to them or else. He's not scared to throw down and beat his ass, employer or not. These children deserve the world and sure, it's a one time thing now. But he's ready to protect them if anything happens because he believes in his gut and right now, he's getting a bad bad feeling.

The evening goes by quietly and he sends them off to bed. Despite what Jungkook had said, he's still going to wait up for him. He can't help the disappointment he feels and instead of being passive, he's going to give him a piece of his mind.

He texts Hyung-won to pass the time, low key missing the guy. But the longer he works there, the less Hyung-won has to keep up the house. He still gets paid the same, the lucky bugger, so there's no worry there.

He mindlessly flips through channels until he decides on watching a movie. It's already half way through and he pouts since he wanted to watch this one for a while. He's just gonna have to look it up again some other time to watch it from the beginning.

He's crying when Jungkook finally arrives home, hugging the throw pillow and soaking it in his tears. He didn't expect the movie to take this twist. He quickly wipes his face and looks at Jungkook.

"Aren't you supposed to be bed?" Jungkook asks as he takes off his coat, tossing his keys on the coffee table.

"I go to bed when I want to," he replies and he sits up, switching the tv off. He realizes later he made a mistake plunging them into silence like that. "I wanted to talk to you before then."

"I'm too tired to talk right now so just put a pin on it til tomorrow."

"You should've seen their faces when I told them you wouldn't make it to dinner."

Jungkook stops in his tracks. "Well, they have to understand that I get very busy sometimes. I can't always make it on time."

"I'm sure they do but that doesn't mean that their feelings aren't valid."

"Seokjin, I do my best to cater to both my work and my family. Do you know how tiring it is to be doing that all the time? Can't I be selfish for once and have some time for myself?" He retorts harshly and Jin is taken aback at his tone.

"I know you do," he replies softly and not knowing what else to say, "How was your meeting?"

     "Fantastic if you must know. I'm heading off to bed now, you should too. Goodnight."

     He walks off and leaves Jin by himself, wondering to himself where all this attitude came from. He couldn't put himself in Jungkook's shoes and fully understand the stress and pressure he must feel on the daily being the CEO and all. Everyone has their bad days and Jungkook is no different.

     The talk he anticipated didn't really go as planned and instead of taking it to heart, he just lets him be and heads up to his room as well.


     It's been a week now that Jungkook has been getting home late and it's not just because of work this time around. For the first time, he's enjoying his dates and no offense to his brother, but he knows himself best and what he likes. It's no wonder his previous dates were terrible. They had hit it off pretty well since the first date and like a teen, he giddily anticipates their next outing.

      However with Jungkook's attention being elsewhere, Jin has become even more stressed taking care of the kids practically by himself along with his school work. He's had to make so many excuses for him and he's tired of it. All he has time for is school and the children, the youngest ones attaching themselves to his hip.

     He feels Minho and Jeongin snuggle in closer to his body as they chill on the couch watching tv, the little ones now relying on him more and seeking his comfort in place of their own father's. Taehyun, Irene, Jisoo, Changbin, and Yeonjun are able to mask their feelings but the same can't be said about the younger ones. Jin can't imagine how they must feel, what they could be thinking, and just the overall rejection stemming off the situation.

     He wasn't going to say anything since Jungkook is a grown man, especially because of the talk they had last time. The only thing making up for his absence is the sweet interactions he blesses his children in the morning before going off to work.

"Jinnie, where's appa?" Jeongin says quietly in a pout, looking up at him with doe eyes. He stares down at him tenderly, sadness in his eyes and he runs his fingers through his hair.

"I don't know, sweetheart. He must still be at the office but he'll be home soon, don't worry."

"What if he doesn't come home?" Minho asks and Jin fights back the urge to cry.

"He will, I promise. I know it's not much but just know that you guys will always have me," his voice quivers as he consoles them and Minho burrows his face into his side.

"I love you Jinnie."

"Me too," Jeongin says as well and he sighs softly, gently rubbing their backs.

"I love you too."

It is time for some drama

>>Zesty Sauce

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