//26 - "So where do you want me?"//

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     "Oh my god that's amazing! I'm so excited for you!" Jimin exclaims once Jin tells him the news, reaching across the table to grab his hands.


     Jimin smiles sympathetically as he slips back in his seat. "You're nervous."

     "Well yea. I'm doing this in front of a lot of important people, not to mention it's gonna be aired for everyone to see," he sighs, fiddling with his straw. "I'm scared I'll mess up and make a fool of myself."

    "I understand, it's a big deal. But I know you'll do great. You'll have everyone falling to their knees. You got this, I believe in you man."

Jin smiles. "Thanks."

"And when you get back, we'll go out and celebrate. Drinks on me, ok?"

"Sure," he chuckles. He checks his phone for the time. "Gotta get going. Have to pick up the kiddos before going to the company. I'll text you later."

"Ok, see ya."

Jin slides out of the booth and exits the small restaurant, leaving Jimin to finish his food alone. He waves at him as he passes by the window where he's sitting and treks his way to the student parking. On the way there, he sees small groups of high school students touring the campus and he wonders if Yeonjun will be in one of these groups. He hasn't mentioned anything very recently though.

He starts to go on his usual route after picking everyone up but due to an abrupt majority rules, he ends up pulling into a McDonald's drive through. He swears these kids could overthrow the damn government if they really put their minds into it. Once they get their hefty order, they leave and soon after, they arrive home. He goes in with them, opting to leave his backpack and maybe change clothes before heading back out again.

He hears a knock on his door.

"Come in."

Sipping on his iced coffee, Yeonjun pokes his head inside before walking in, standing by the doorway. "Hey, I was wondering if you could help me with my homework."

"Um, maybe when I get back if there's time," he replies as he pulls out a change of clothes. Yeonjun sits on his bed.

"Where you going?" He asks out of curiosity.

"I have to meet your dad at the company."

"Oh. Are you in trouble?" He hopes not. Because if Jin loses this job, he won't be able to closely admire him again.

"No, it's nothing bad. Anyway, if you don't mind, I need to change."

Yeonjun shrugs. "I don't mind."

"So can you leave, please?" He asks and Yeonjun gets up.

"Right. Sorry," he stammers, feeling like an idiot. He shuts Jin's door behind him and sighs, rubbing his face before walking back downstairs. Of course he wasn't going to just carelessly change in front of him.

"What's wrong with me?" He mumbles and at that moment, Taehyun is passing by.

"Oh brother, where do I start?"
"I wasn't talking to you."
"So then who were you talking to?"
"Uh... myself."

Taehyun stares at him like he's proven a point and Yeonjun huffs.

"Shut up," he grumbles as he walks away. His phone buzzes in his pocket and he takes it out, surprised to see a message from Yunhyeong. He doesn't tend to casually text him unless there's a reason, usually when they're having a get together or something, to which he is grateful. He's still not over the fact that they want him to hang out with them.

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