//27 - "Relax, it'll be fine"//

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     Jin sets his suitcase off to the side and falls onto the bed, groaning at the soft yet firmness of the mattress. The sheets feel heavenly, they smell so good and it's so comfy. He could fall asleep right now.


He opens one eye to look at Jungkook seeming rather amused, his cheeks a light pink.


"I know these beds are nice, but is the moaning and groaning really necessary?"

He pushes himself up to sit on the bed. "Absolutely. You have no idea how long it's been since I laid in a mattress as good as this one."

Jungkook's bed creaks softly as he sits down.

"You're saying the ones at home aren't good?" He asks, his shoes thudding on the floor as he takes them off.

A deep silence engulfs them until Jin finally answers.

"They're not bad nor are they good," he says. "But I digress. Anyway, what all is going down tomorrow? I literally have no fucking clue."

"First off, watch your language and two, we don't have anything too important to do until six. However I do want to stress that you be very careful about what you do during your free time here. You're constantly representing not only you, but me and the company, understand?"

"What could I possibly do? We won't be staying too long, right? And I'm not a child, I can cuss all I want."

He rolls his eyes. "When you go out to eat or if you and the others decide to go out to a bar or club. I've seen you drunk before Seokjin, it's not pretty."

"You've seen me in other ways too," he mutters under his breath.

"What was that?"
"Nothing. I'll slow down on the juice, ok?"

"That's all I ask. Now get changed, I'm taking everyone down to the restaurant for dinner."

     Jin hops out of bed, lunging for his suitcase. "Sweet. I'm starving."


     Yeonjun confidently walks into Yunhyeong's brother's house while shyly trailing close behind him is Soobin. He doesn't feel comfortable and he certainly doesn't like the vibe he's getting from being there. He watches as Yeonjun cooly greets anyone who calls out or walks up to him, averting his eyes whenever that certain individual would look at him. He's out of his element and he wishes he had stayed home, but he's doing this for Yeonjun.

"Ay-yo!" Yunhyeong yells out as he walks out of the kitchen and he makes his way towards the duo, Yeonjun nods his head at him in acknowledgement. Before he gets there, Yeonjun leans close to Soobin.

"Be cool, alright? We're just gonna hang out, have some drinks, smoke a little and dip," he whispers softly.

     "What do you mean 'we'? I'm not drinking or smoking, I have to drive remember? And I don't think you should either."

     "Relax, it'll be fine."

     Once Yunhyeong gets there, he pulls him into a bro hug and he gives Soobin a side glance, his eyes lingering on him as if he were examining him. He smirks when he sees him awkwardly shuffle in place.

"Hope you don't mind I brought someone along."
"Nah man, it's whatever. Unless he's got a big mouth."

"Don't worry, Soobin is cool. Right?" Yeonjun assures him whilst giving Soobin a look, basically telling him to agree.

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