//39 - "That's what I'm here for"//

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As the weeks rolled by, both Jungkook and Junhee became even busier with work, considering the upcoming holidays. Jin and Junhee would message whenever they could while sometimes, it would take hours or even the day after for Junhee to respond back. Of course Jin understood that so he wasn't too hurt by the lack of response. He just happily awaited for him to reply.

Meanwhile, Jungkook would use any chance he got as a distraction from his jealousy. When he would see Junhee smiling down at his phone, it would only fuel that fire. He wishes he could let go of Jin and just let him and Junhee be happy but he can't help but want him even more, his competitiveness taking over. He feels stupid for not taking the initiative to at least seduce Jin before anyone set their eyes on him.

His childishness makes him hope that he'll be able to steal Jin from Junhee and while he's not at the point of doing everything he can to sabotage, he's waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

What a dummy.

"So how's it going with Jin? You guys serious now?"

Junhee looks up from his phone.

"It's going great but I wouldn't say it's serious. We haven't really talked about where we want this to go but for now, I feel like we just have a physical relationship which we're both fine with."

     He didn't want to know that but it's his fault for asking.

     "What about you though? Are you still talking to that girl you went on dates with?"

     "It was only two dates and yea we talk but I told her I wasn't looking for anything too deep. She was very understanding."

     "Why don't you just pursue her? You're not getting any younger and this is the closest I've seen you to having a love life in such a long time," he jokes and Jungkook gives him a look.

     "Well what about you? You have nothing to show for at your age."

     Junhee's eyes widen. "Hey man, just chill. You've been real moody lately. What's your deal?"

Jungkook sighs. "I know I have been, you're not the only who's noticed or said anything to me about it. I just have some things I need to figure out. Anyway, we have to go, it's almost time."


     It's very late in the evening when Junhee finally texts him back. He giddily opens his messages but his smile drops when he reads it.

Junnie❤️: I miss you... send nudes?

     He has no problem sending any, he's done so before, but he didn't really expect it from Junhee. He's a little disappointed, to say the least. He understands that it's been purely physical these last weeks, Jun's sex drive is something to behold for his age, but he wishes it could turn into more. He's just going to have to be honest about what he wants before it's too late.

He ends up sending a couple pictures and puts on comfy pajamas as he waits for his response, mindlessly fiddling with his pen, no longer focused on his research paper. A knock on his door breaks him from his thinking.

"Come in."

Yeonjun peeks into his room before walking in, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Shouldn't you be going to sleep? It's almost midnight."

"I have too much on my mind," he answers honestly.

A lot has happened for him at school. Ali clearly isn't interested in him, he feels like he's in the background of his "friends" conversations, Soobin doesn't look his way anymore, not to mention how far away his father seems to be from him now too, both emotionally and physically. He feels alone and the only person he's found comfort in is Jin. He would follow the elder most of the time, almost attached to the hip. The feelings he long forgot about began to resurface and he doesn't know what to do.

"Oh? What's going on? I've noticed you've been a little quiet recently," Jin says as he sits up, setting his laptop and notebook off to the side.

Yeonjun sighs heavily and this prompts Jin to reach over, setting a reassuring hand on Yeonjun's.

"Take your time."

     At these words, he unpacks everything that's been on his mind, however still beating around the bush about what exactly happened to his and Soobin's friendship. All the troubles of being a teenager remind Jin of his own little hardships back when he was in school and to the best of his ability, he offers his two cents.

     After all this, Yeonjun feels more emotionally vulnerable than ever and his appreciation for Jin grows even more.

     "Thank you," he says softly and Jin smiles.

     "For what?"

     "For actually listening to what I have to say and for the advice. I'm aware that I don't talk much about what's bothering me, it's no one's fault but mine really. But to have someone there willing to help me, you have no idea how happy that makes me."

     Jin leans forward and envelops him into a hug. "That's what I'm here for."

     He doesn't want to leave. He just wants to stay up and talk to him. For Ali, it was more of a physical attraction and sure, it started off the same for Jin as well. But now, he's starting to feel a more emotional connection. Something he hasn't felt before.

     "Um, can I ask you something else?"
     "Go ahead. I'm all ears."

He exhales slowly through his nose. Here goes nothing. "So there's this older guy that I'm kind of crushing on. The thing is though, I like him but I'm not necessarily gay."

"Oh. Well, it's possible to be attracted to a particular person of the same sex without being fully gay. I'm assuming he's a last year?"

Jin did say he's in his last year of college so technically, he's not wrong.

"Yes. But I'm scared to tell him though. We've been talking for a little while and it confuses me that I can feel so much in so little time. I want so desperately for him to like me back."

Jin's eyes soften. "I know all too well what you're talking about, Yeonjun. I've dealt with that at some point in my teen years and it sucks, I get it. It's an emotional rollercoaster. It'll take some time and courage, but I think communicating with him is super important. You can't be passive and dismiss your own feelings."

"What if he rejects me?"

"There's that possibility, yes. But it's something you have to be prepared for. I won't lie to you and promise everything will be ok because I don't know that for certain. If he doesn't like you back, then you'll just have to understand and it'll be hard for sure. But I know he's missing out on a great kid if he doesn't reciprocate the same feelings," he says in an attempt to cheer him up, but in fact, it only makes him feel worse. He just sees him as some kid and that hurts.

"So I should tell him I like him then?"

"Only if and when you're ready."

     He stays silent. "I don't know if I can or if I'll ever be ready. He's technically with someone else already, I think."

     "There's no rush to these things. Unfortunately at the moment, it seems you can't really do much and you're just gonna have to respect that."

     He nods solemnly. "Ok. Thanks again Jin."

     "It's no problem. You should go to bed and for now, just focus on your studies. I'll still be here to give more advice when you need it. Alright?" He says, ruffling his hair.

     Yeonjun smiles. "Ok. Goodnight."


Next update should have more drama so be on the look out. I'm sorry this took long 😬

>>Zesty Sauce

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