//25 - "Do you miss them?"//

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     Jin tosses and turns in his bed, unable to find a good position. He knew taking a nap earlier was a bad idea for him because now, he's finding it hard to fall asleep.

     He had decided not to ask to go out since it wouldn't be fun without Jimin but now he thinks that if he had, he would've at least been physically tired enough to sleep. He rolls onto his back with a huff and after a few seconds, he begrudgingly throws his covers off to the side and gets up. He slides out of bed, putting on his slippers and heads downstairs to the lounge, opting to watch a movie and hopefully pass the fuck out. Something about falling asleep to the tv hits a little different.

He makes a quick pit stop by the kitchen for a snack, serving himself a small bowl of ice cream. But when he gets there, he's surprised by Jungkook already watching tv, splayed out on the couch. He stops like a deer caught in headlights, the metal spoon hanging from his mouth. Jungkook catches a glimpse of a silhouette from the corner of his eye and he turns to look at who it could be.

"Having trouble sleeping?"

Jin takes the spoon and puts it in the bowl. "Yea. I take it you are too."

"Yep," he sits up to make room for him and Jin joins him.

"Anything in particular you want to watch?"
     "Not really. I'll watch anything I guess."

Jungkook flips through channels while Jin eats his ice cream, the only other sounds being the few seconds of dialogue from each passing channel. He ends up choosing one of the late night dramas but Jin doesn't complain, rather he sits up, his eyes glued on the screen.

"My aunt watched this drama back when it first aired. It became one of her favorites so when they started broadcasting the reruns, she always stayed up for it," he explains once he notices Jungkook's little smile and he chuckles a little as he continues to reminisce. "Sometimes she would take a nap during the day and set an alarm just so she can wake up and watch it. I would watch it with her sometimes too whenever I had late night studying."

     "So you lived with your aunt before coming here?"

     "Yea. It was before starting my freshman year of college that I moved out here with her to save money. Me and my parents weren't exactly on the same page about a few things."

"I'm sorry," Jungkook says softly and Jin shrugs.

"It's alright. Nothing to be upset about."

He nods. "Do you talk to them at all?"

"Once every full moon," he jokes. "We talk enough to know that at least we're all doing ok where we're at in life. We're respecting each other's distance."

"Do you miss them?"

He stays silent for a while. "Hm, I want to say that I feel bad for admitting this but honestly, I don't. Their absence doesn't bother me nor does it make my life any better. I want to say I miss them but I don't really care. You know what I mean? Is that bad?"

Jungkook inhales deeply. He wasn't expecting that.

"I guess not," he says, not knowing how to respond. "What made you feel that way?"

Jin gives him a look to which Jungkook looks away. "I'm sorry, there's a limit."

"It's alright, I started it. But why the interest?" He asks as he sets down the empty bowl on the coffee table.

"Just trying to get to know each other is all," he responds.

He hums. "So anyway, what's got you all restless?"

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