//55 - "What do you have in mind?"//

786 84 5

     Yeonjun ends up spilling everything that's been going on lately, he even tells him about what happened between him and Soobin, explaining why he hasn't been coming around the house anymore. There are a couple of moments where Yeonjun can see the discontent in Jungkook's face and it seems like there are a lot of things he wants to say, but he's grateful that he lets him finish talking instead of interrupting him like he thought he would.

     "Oh Yeonjun," Jungkook breathes out softly once he's done and Yeonjun hangs his head low.

     "I know. I bet you're disappointed in me."

     Jungkook sighs and scoots closer to him on the small couch. "Well I'm not exactly ecstatic about it but I appreciate the fact that you're asking for help now before it gets any worse. I'm sorry if I seemed out of reach and that you couldn't confide in me about your problems. You know, I was worried this would happen, to be honest."


     "Yea, when you first asked me to go to that party. I know how those things go and I can only imagine how they must be in this day in age. I understand the curiosity but you can get into some serious trouble and I hope that you won't touch any of that stuff. Of course, when you're of age, I won't stop you from drinking. That's your own choice."

     Yeonjun nods. "I won't let you down, I promise."

     "Good," Jungkook smiles. "Now about Soobin. You two have been best friends since you were much younger, but is that where it ends? A platonic love for a friend?"

     "I never really thought about him in that way. I think I'm bisexual so I guess it's possible that I may develop feelings for him down the road," he answers, a little embarrassed to be talking about this with his dad.

"Well you can't force yourself either. If it happens naturally, then that's great, that's amazing. But if it doesn't, then I'm sure he'll understand. It'll be hard on him, I'm sure. He's a good kid and I don't think he wouldn't give you another chance to be friends just because you can't reciprocate those feelings. From what you've told me, the main reason he cut you off is because of how you treated him. A way you can show him you care and respect him is to give him the space he asked for and be there when he's ready."

"I really miss him, dad. I took our friendship for granted and it sucks that I'm just realizing it," Yeonjun admits with a sigh and Jungkook rubs his back.

"Everything will work out. It may take time but it'll happen."

"And if it doesn't? Even if I try my hardest?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowed in worry and Jungkook gives him a sad smile.

     "It's important to believe that it will. But unfortunately if it doesn't, then there's not much else to do, I'm afraid."

     Yeonjun nods solemnly. "Yea, I guess," he looks at him. "So what now?"

     "Well for one, you're grounded until I say so and two, you're going to help Seokjin with the chores around the house," Jungkook states with a sneer. "I forgot some paperwork that I need to finish over at the office so we're stopping by the company as well."

     "But I thought I was grounded," he says, watching his dad stand up.

     Jungkook puts his hands on his hips. "Oh you are, this isn't a field trip. You're going to run some errands for me."

     Yeonjun sighs, begrudgingly getting up as well.

     "Yay," he expresses flatly and Jungkook chuckles, patting his back.

     "Cheer up. It could be a whole lot worse considering what you've done."


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