//12 - "Kitten is calling"//

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     "He's so fucking adorable," Jimin gushes from across the table, balling up his fists as he tries to contain himself. Jin smiles and watches Jeongin snag another fry, the toddler blowing on it to cool it down before munching on it.

"Tell me about it. I had a few classmates come up to me before class just so they can talk to him."

"So the professors didn't have a problem with you babysitting during lecture?" Jimin asks, taking a sip of his milkshake.

"Surprisingly no. They were understanding."

Jimin raises his eyebrows. "Do you think he who must not be named will mind?"

Jin laughs at the nickname. "He isn't Voldemort and I honestly don't give a—"

     He stops himself from cursing in front of the boy.

     "I don't care if he does or not."

"Shake please!" Jeongin looks up at Jin, signaling over at Jin's own drink on the table. Jin brings the glass closer and nears Jeongin's straw up to his mouth, making sure his own straw is out of the way.

     "So what are you gonna do now?" Jimin pushes away his empty plate, leaning back against the booth.

      "I was thinking of taking Jeongin to the park after my last class. I don't have to pick up the rest of them until like 4:00."

     "Ah ok then." He looks at his phone to check the time. "Listen, I'll see you in a bit. Gotta bounce."

     "Hey you wanna join me later?"

     "Sure! See ya," Jimin calls out as he exits the restaurant, running down the pavement to make it to his own class on time.

Meanwhile, Jin mentally prepares himself for Professor Woo's class. Even though the professor thinks Jin isn't paying much attention, Jin still notices the glances he gets from him on occasion. He pretends not to however because he doesn't want him to assume bullshit.

     It's astounding to Jin that he still manages to drive him crazy, although in a different way this time. This is his last year though so he can't just tap out of his class now, especially when it's already a month and a half into the school year. All he can do is ignore him as much as he can while still respecting him as a teacher, despite everything.

     He and Jeongin finish up eating and he stacks up the plates for the waiter, wanting to make it easier on them. After gathering his things, he then exits the restaurant, striding down the sidewalk back to campus. He arrives at the building and goes up the stairs to his usual spot in the back once he enters his classroom, not really surprised that he's the first one there. Not even Professor Woo is here yet.

     He lets Jeongin walk around the area and explore as they wait, being cautious and making sure he doesn't go near the stairs so he doesn't hurt himself. He smiles when he sees him run down the same aisle, messing around with the chairs, pushing them since they have wheels. He glances down at the door when he hears it open and quickly looks away when he sees Professor Woo walk in.

"Hi Jinnie," he hears him say out of habit and this irritates him. Who does he think he is?

"Seokjin," he presses seriously, wanting him to hear the annoyance in his voice. He looks up at him from his desk.

"Right, sorry."

"Can we go home now?" The little boy asks as he walks out from behind the chairs and into plain sight for just a moment. Jin picks him up and sets him on his lap, explaining to him why they can't leave just yet. His eyes flick towards his teacher to find his eyebrows raised in surprise, looking at Jin for an explanation.

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