//52 - "Hey, can we talk?"//

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     Once they're left alone after giving the waiter their order, Jin sits up in his seat and gets ready to unload his past mistakes.

     "That was my professor, the one that almost got into a drunken fight at the bar that time," he starts off.

     Jungkook nods slowly, staying silent for just a moment. "I don't think professors should be treating their students like how he did with you. I saw how he grabbed you. Did he hurt you?"

     Jin smiles a little, appreciating his concern. "No, he didn't." He grows quiet and looks at him nervously. "Please don't hate me or see me differently for what I'm about to say next."

     Jungkook looks a little apprehensive but he gives him a nod to continue anyway. Jin sighs heavily.

     "I used to be in a relationship with him. Granted, it was mostly just physical but there were times where he treated me like an actual boyfriend. I broke it off once I knew he was married and had a kid, although I found out too late. We were together for almost a year and that whole time, I never saw a ring," he admits, his eyes stuck on his hands that are fiddling on his lap. Jungkook takes a while to respond to what he's just been told, carefully taking in the information.

He's not mad at Jin nor is he judging him for his actions. He's an adult so he can't fault or scold him over it, even though it's not right to be involved with a faculty member in that way. He's more angry at his teacher for taking advantage of Jin's infatuation and for betraying his family. It takes a real sleaze bag to do something like that without even a second thought whatsoever.

"Please say something," Jin says softly and just as Jungkook opens his mouth, the waiter comes back with their food. They thank him and he walks away afterwards, the two still pausing on eating.

"I don't hate you. That scum bag kept it a secret so of course you didn't know."

"You don't think I'm disgusting for having sex with my professor?"

He gives him a soft smile. "No. In fact, I find him disgusting, going after students like that when he has a family. How does someone cheat so easily?" He grimaces, already hating the man. "Fuck that guy."

Jin laughs and he reaches over the table, signaling with his head that he wants to hold his hand. Jungkook looks at him endearingly and indulges him, grabbing his hand and squeezing it in reassurance.

     "I would never hold anything from your past against you. You've learned and grown from those mistakes and as long as you're getting better for you, that's all that matters."

     Jin smiles. "Thank you."

     They pick up their utensils to begin to eat but Jungkook stops once more. "What did he say to you?"

     Jin pauses. "Just some bullshit about how he misses me," he answers honestly. "But I would never consider going back to him."

     Jungkook quirks his head, his eyebrows raised.

     "That shameless bastard," he mutters under his breath. "I know you wouldn't, I don't doubt that for a second. But if he ever bothers you again, tell me. I'll take care of it."

     Jin chuckles. "Hm, I think I like this side of you. But please don't get in trouble because of me. I don't want you to jeopardize your hard work over some stupid situation."

     Jungkook pecks the top of his hand. "I'll do whatever I can to protect you. You mean a lot to me so of course I won't just sit back and let you get hurt."

"Let's eat, I have another class after this," Jin says with a shy smile.


Ignoring the stupid conversation his friends are having, Yeonjun sees Soobin get up from his table and leave the cafeteria.

"Hey, I'll be back," he says to the group.


Exiting the room, Yeonjun picks up the pace and turns the corner down the hall, quietly following him to the bathroom. He waits patiently for Soobin to finish, not caring how weird it is listening to him pee—he just really needs to talk to him. Soobin flushes not long after and he's surprised to see him when he walks out of the stall. He acknowledges him with a nod but doesn't say anything, sauntering towards the sink to wash his hands. Truthfully, this hurts Yeonjun but he knows he doesn't have the right. He's done worse to him.

"Hey, can we talk?"
"What about?" He asks monotonously, drying his hands.

Yeonjun sighs through his nose and leans against the wall. "I want to apologize to you for the way I treated you. You definitely didn't deserve that and I also wanted to say... I miss you."

    "You don't get to say that when you easily tossed me to the side for your 'cool' friends. You miss me? Really? Or do you miss having someone following you around like a clueless puppy?" Soobin huffs an unamused laugh. "How pathetic. Now I know how I used to look since I'm seeing it now in front of my own eyes."

     Yeonjun swallows hard, fully expecting some harsh words towards him but that doesn't mean he was ready to hear them either. "I know I made a huge mistake, but I really want to be friends with you again."

     "We can't be friends if you're still going to associate yourself with those people. I'm not trying to give you an ultimatum, I am doing this for my own sake. I'm tired of not speaking up for myself and being pushed around, so I won't let myself get strung along anymore. My new friends respect my feelings and make me feel like I'm my own person. Our friendship only used to revolve around you."

     "What do you mean?"

     Soobin sighs and looks down at the ground. What's the point of hiding it anymore?

     "You used to be on my mind a lot and I always wanted to hang out with you, be with you. You know why? Because I liked you. More than a friend would. I wanted to see you happy so I couldn't say no to you and when I did, I would go back on my word and give in later. That wasn't healthy for me."

     Yeonjun stands quietly, surprised at Soobin's confession. How could he know that he liked him like that? Even as he racks through his memories, he can't find anything. Was he really that ignorant?

"I can tell you're trying to find a clue but I tried so hard to not let those feelings show. I guess I did a pretty good job of hiding it," he says softly.

     Yeonjun's heart begins to pound. "What if we give it a try?"

     Soobin's eyebrows furrow in pain, his bottom lip quivering in anger. "Are my feelings a joke to you? I can't be with someone who doesn't share the same sentiments as me. You can't give me what I want in a relationship and I don't want to be the one to force you to. I need time and until then, please just leave me alone."

     He leaves him after that, not wanting to hear whatever else his stupid brain might conjure up and Yeonjun just watches him leave. Staring at the ground, he tightens his fists, furiously wiping away any stray tears. Why did he say that? He wanted him to be in his life again but there are better ways to do that. He didn't mean to make Soobin think that what he feels is a joke to him. He was just desperate.

     "Fuck," he grits out and he slams his hand on the wall, the smack echoing in the empty bathroom. He sniffles, pressing his head against the wall. "I'm so sorry."

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