//60 pt.2 - "Hold me"// [M]

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Prepare yourselves😈

"Wow, this place is amazing!" Jin gushes over the lavish room, forgetting his luggage by the door and this causes Jungkook to trip over them. Jin doesn't pay any mind to the loud thud behind him as he jogs over to the sliding door, opening it and taking in the beautiful scenery. The sun is starting to set over the horizon, making the crystal blue waves shine and sparkle.

"Babe, can you come help me real quick," Jungkook says as he picks up his own luggage that he dropped.

"In a minute. Let me just bask in this."

Jungkook doesn't wait however and brings in their bags instead, shutting the door and throwing himself on the bed. Jin turns around and walks to the bed as well, kneeling on it.

"I'm sorry."

Jungkook shakes his head. "It's alright. I didn't want to interrupt you."

Jin pouts. "Still though. I shouldn't have left my shit in the way."

Jungkook crosses his arms behind his head. "You can always make up for it later," he says with a wink and Jin rolls his eyes.

"So what do you want to do?"
"I don't know. We can figure it out along the way, we have all week after all."

They left to the resort the morning right after their wedding ceremony, already wanting to escape their hectic lives and have some time for themselves. Jungkook had grown real busy with the new releases and Jin had some work to make up for the time off he's taking. On top of all that with the planning, they were exhausted by the end of it that Jin slept through the whole flight.

Now that they have some of their energy back however, all Jungkook wants to do is jump his bones but he knows Jin is going to make him wait. He has no problem with waiting though, the anticipation adds to it.

     "Ooo let's go to the beach!"

     "Right now?" Jungkook asks and Jin is already getting up and sifting through his clothes for his swim trunks.

     "Yes right now. I saw that they have a beach bar down there and I could really go for a drink," he goes through Jungkook's bag as well and throws his shorts at him. "Get up, lazy bones."

     "I'm not lazy, I'm just old, remember?" Jungkook says playfully.

     "You're not old," Jin says and he goes to straddle him, patting his belly. "You have no problem keeping up with me and that's all I could ask for."

     Jungkook's hands migrate up his thighs and he grabs a hold of his waist. "Mm, can we just stay in?"

     "Right. We're just gonna waste away our vacation indoors. We might as well have just stayed at home then. Come on, get up or you ain't getting none of this," Jin smiles mischievously as he smacks his own ass and he immediately gets up, leaving Jungkook with his mouth agape.

"Thank you," Jin says to the guy who works at the bar as he hands him another martini. He crosses his legs as he waits for Jungkook to return from the bathroom when a man approaches him.

"Can I buy you a drink?" He offers, leaning against the table and Jin peers at him, eyebrows quirked and looking completely disinterested. He tilts his head and gives him a saccharine smile, raising his glass.

"Already got one, thanks," he says and looks away, sipping the alcohol. Unfortunately, this man is either too stupid or too stubborn and doesn't leave like he expects him to. Instead, he lingers and tries again after ordering his own drink.

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