//54 - "I'm so sorry"//

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Jungkook's heart drops.

"What do you mean it's Yeonjun? What's wrong with him?"

Jin sits up on his knees and scoots closer, taking his hands into his. "I'm worried that he's surrounding himself with bad influences," he softly clears his throat. "A while back ago, Yeonjun had snuck out to go to that party you said he couldn't attend. He called me later to go pick him up and he was... anything but sober. I made him promise that he wouldn't do that again and so far, he's kept it."

     He's obviously not aware of the second time when they were away on that trip.

Jungkook already wants to say something about that but he lets him continue, noticing how it seems Jin still has more to say.

     "Then there's the day he wasn't at school and when I went out to look for him, I found him at the park with some of those kids. He said they weren't doing anything wrong but it looked like, well I think, there were drugs involved.

     Again, I had him promise me that he would stay away from that stuff and he told me he didn't get anything nor was he going to. And well today, he skipped school. I thought it was maybe because he wasn't feeling well cause when I went to check on him, he looked out of it. But I'm pretty sure he was given something because he wasn't acting right."

     For a second, he debates whether he should tell him what Yeonjun did to him but he knows he should. He doesn't want to hide anything from him anymore.

     "He, um, he forced himself on me and... kissed me."

He slowly looks up at Jungkook to see him fuming, his eyebrows furrowed in anger. Of course he's upset about everything that he's just been told, from what Yeonjun has been doing this whole time right under his nose to Jin not confiding in him and telling him straight away.

"I know I should've told you from the start but I didn't think it would get this serious," he stammers and Jungkook pulls his hands from his, standing up to pace around the room.

"Yea, you should've. He's my son and I should be doing everything I can to help him and guide him. But how can I when I'm being kept in the dark about these things? Do I seem that untrustworthy?" He says and stops in his tracks. "What did I do to make Yeonjun think he can't come talk to me?"

Jin takes in a deep breath and gets up from the bed, walking towards him. He hugs him from behind, kissing and rubbing his shoulder and Jungkook lets him.

"You didn't do anything. I know this is a shitty answer but that's how teenagers are. You're doing your best."

"But I can be doing so much more," Jungkook answers somberly. "Yeonjun is in his room?"

Jin nods as he continues to rub his arm. "Yea, he's sleeping. He seemed to be doing ok when I checked on him before dinner."

     "I'm gonna go see him."

     Jungkook leaves the room without another word and Jin just stands there, staring down at the floor as tears threaten to well up in his eyes. He feels like not only is he failing the kids but he's failing Jungkook as well. He was hired to take care of them in his absence but he keeps slipping up. He knows this isn't about him though, what's important right now is to help Yeonjun out of this mess and be there for him.

     Jungkook quietly opens Yeonjun's door and his eyes soften as he finds him still asleep. He sits down next to him and brushes his hair back. Seeing him like this makes his anger go away. He's more so concerned for his well-being.

     "I'm sorry I'm not home nowhere near as much as I should be. I thought if I worked hard enough, I can provide you guys an easy life," Jungkook says quietly. "I'm sorry I don't know what's going on with you but I promise that from here on out, I will be someone you can trust enough to talk to. I will be here for you and we'll help you get through this. I love you."

     Jungkook sighs deeply and carefully leans over, gently kissing his temple and with that, he gets up and exits the room. Unbeknownst to him, the whole time he was there, Yeonjun listened to every word he said and it just makes him feel even worse. He opens his eyes and looks up at his closed door, his eyes glossy as if he wants to cry. He fully expected Jungkook to flip his lid and yell at him, telling him how disappointed he is in him. He didn't expect this at all and it makes him appreciate his father's patience.

He finally decides that he needs to be alone for a while, distance himself from his so-called friends and figure his own shit out before it's too late. His mind already feels like a mess, his thoughts so disorganized and seeming to make no sense to him anymore. He contradicts himself constantly and he just wants it all to stop. He's disgusted with himself for being so easily influenced and for disrespecting Jin like that. As embarrassed as he is, he needs to put that aside because he knows he has to apologize. He wants to.


     Taking initiative, Yeonjun wakes up by himself the next day, getting dressed for school and going downstairs before his siblings even wake up. At the moment, Jin is busy making breakfast and he's surprised to see Yeonjun standing by the doorway.

     "Good morning."

     Yeonjun smiles at him, albeit rather humorless. "Good morning."

     He walks to the island and slumps in his seat, twiddling his thumbs as he gathers his thoughts.

"I want to say sorry for what I did yesterday. It seems like I've been apologizing so often to you," Yeonjun scoffs, lowering his head. "There's no excuse for my actions and I'm embarrassed that it even happened. You didn't deserve that at all."

Jin halts for a minute, taking the pan off the stove and switching it off before going to the island, leaning on the marble across from him.

"You're right. I didn't deserve that," he sighs softly and when he notices Yeonjun about to cry, he reaches over and grabs his hand in reassurance. "I was so worried about you and not going to lie, you frightened me a little. I want to say that it's ok but it's really not. However, I will accept your apology."

Yeonjun squeezes his hand, raising his head back up to look at him properly. "Thank you. And I promise that I'll never do anything like that again. I swear this time it won't be like the last, I really mean it. And I'm planning on cutting my friends off once I get to school."

Jin smiles softly. "About that. You're not going to school today and your father isn't going to work either. He wants to have a talk with you."

"Oh," Yeonjun says, already feeling anxious.

"Hey, it'll be ok."

He slowly nods. "Is he in his office?"

Jin pulls away and goes back to the stove to finish cooking. "He's getting dressed right now so he shouldn't be long. If you want, you can wait for him there and I'll let him know when he comes down."

"Probably should, huh? If you could, please."

"Sure kiddo. Do you want something to eat first?"

Yeonjun slides off the seat and shakes his head. "I'll eat later. Thank you though."

Yeonjun goes to Jungkook's office and he looks around while he waits, having been so long since he's been in the room. He sees rough sketches on a small bulletin that he has in the corner and as he nears the chairs by his desk, he sees some of their family pictures in frames on the mahogany. He smiles as he remembers how close they all used to be a few years back. But as he got older, he's distanced himself from the family he loves so much and it saddens him.

He hears the door open behind him and with a quick sigh, he turns around. Jungkook shuts the door and walks a few steps closer.

"Yeonjun," he starts but suddenly, the teen rushes towards him, hugging him tightly. Jungkook immediately wraps his arms around him, leaning his head against Yeonjun's.

"I'm so sorry," Yeonjun cries.

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