//29 - "Tough day?"//

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     Jin sighs in relief as the day is finally over. He knew he would garner attention at uni after the show, but he didn't think it'd be this much. People he doesn't even talk to came up to congratulate him as well as ask a bunch of questions. Fucking vultures. His classmates got what they wanted before class started so he's now free to pack up his materials in peace.

He keeps his eyes glued to the table but he senses someone creeping up the steps towards him.

"I couldn't help but notice you're the talk of the campus," Professor Woo says but Jin doesn't spare him a glance.


     "Did you have fun? Those shows are a big deal," he tries for small talk.

     "Yep. Excuse me," he says as he slings his bag onto his shoulder and attempts to slip past him.

     "Jin, hold on. Can't we just talk?"

     "What's there to talk about? You're just my professor and as far as I'm concerned, I don't need your help with any of my assignments," he replies sharply and leaves immediately after. He doesn't have the energy anymore. Instead, he goes to get an iced coffee and heads home.

He arrives at the house and goes straight to his room to change and leave his bag. He comes back downstairs shortly after and heads into the kitchen, sipping on his coffee.

"Hey," he sighs, greeting Hyung-won and he greets him back.

"Tough day?"

"Yea. I'm an idiot for hoping I could have a normal day today after last weekend," he laughs, folding his arms on the counter and resting his head on them.

Hyung-won laughs. "You'd be right. So, I already put Jeongin down for his nap not long ago. He should be ok for the next two hours. I gotta go now, have an appointment."

"Ah ok. Thank you. See ya."

As Hyung-won walks out, he pulls out his phone from his pocket and opens up Twitter. He hasn't checked it at all this whole time so he's curious as to what exactly caught everyone's attention. He goes on the trending page and sees the few hashtags pertaining to the show. One of them being "GCF's hidden model".

He clicks on it and photos of him come up, tweets admiring and complimenting his looks. Some asking why they've never seen him before, where had he been hiding, and if they'll see him again at the next big event. There was no way he could've hid from it all.

     He smiles when he thinks back to the call with his aunt, how she scolded him first for not telling her before gushing and congratulating him. Chan got onto him as well. He knows he can count on them, but it also saddens him that he couldn't get even a speck of support from his parents. Instead, he left home. Which reminds him, he hasn't heard from his parents at all.

     He hears the front door being unlocked and he wonders if maybe Hyung-won forgot something. He goes to the living room and is surprised to see Yeonjun instead, along with two others.

     "Uh, don't you get out of school in a few hours? What are you doing here?" He asks, looking at them questionably.

"Oh, our class was let out early. The others are still getting out at the regular time though. We're gonna go upstairs, bring up some snacks will ya?" Yeonjun says, already leading Yunhyeong and Jungwoo up to his room, leaving Jin to look at them dumbfounded.

     This kid. He's not normally this rude or demanding. Maybe it's because of his little friends there.

     He rolls his eyes and goes to the pantry, grabbing some chips and cookies. He's not going to waste his time making elaborate snacks knowing they're not going to appreciate it. He also grabs three cans of soda and trudges upstairs, knocking on the door before walking in.

     "There's not much in the kitchen right now so I just brought this," he says, setting the snacks and the soda on the bedside table. Yeonjun's back is turned towards him as he's facing his computer, Yunhyeong standing beside him, looming over his shoulder while Jungwoo is laying on the bed. 

     "Thanks," Yunhyeong smiles, walking over to grab his drink and his arm brushes against Jin's, his cologne violating Jin's nostrils. He tries to step to the side but Yeonjun's bed is in the way. He also doesn't want to accidentally fall on the other kid.

     "You were the one who picked Yeonjun up from the party last time, right? What's your name?" He asks, going back to lean against the desk.

     "Yea," he replies. "It's Seokjin."

"How old are you? Are you Yeonjun's older brother?"

Yeonjun turns to look at him as he asks that.

"What is this? 21 questions?" Jin sasses.

Jungwoo smirks at Yunhyeong before looking back at Jin. "We're just curious."

"No, I just work for the family and I don't need to tell you my age. Do your homework or something," he says, walking out of the room. He hears the two boys chuckle as he shuts the door and hurriedly walks down the hall. He doesn't know what exactly but they make him feel uncomfortable.

     After quickly stepping in Jeongin's room to check on him, he goes to his room to grab his bag and retreats back to the kitchen to do his homework. He takes out his laptop and notebook and sets them on the island, setting his bag down on the floor. However, he doesn't start. Yeonjun wouldn't lie to him, would he?

Well, he did sneak out when he said he wouldn't. He feels bad for doubting him but he can't help it. He gets a bad vibe from those kids and he's worried that they'll influence him in a negative way. He wants to text Jungkook but he doesn't want to bother him at work. Maybe he'll talk to him when he gets home later.

"Hey, that guy is hot," Jungwoo says as he swipes on his phone.

"For real man. How do you hang around him and not do anything?"

Yeonjun spins his chair around once more and looks at them, his eyebrows furrowed. "It's not that easy. Besides, he's not dumb to get with a minor."

Yunhyeong laughs. "Trust me, it is. The people that my brother knows are idiots, they really don't give a fuck."

Yeonjun doesn't hide his grimace.

"Do you think your brother and Seokjin are around the same age? They seem to be, so the gap isn't even that bad."

Yunhyeong points at Jungwoo. "You're right!"

"Hey guys, five years is still five years."
"Speak for yourself. We'll hit 18 before you will."

"Actually, you know what? I think he wants Ali more," Jungwoo teases and Yunhyeong cackles.

"You like her?" He asks incredulously and Yeonjun just shrugs, looking down at the floor.

"I think she's cool."

Both Jungwoo and Yunhyeong bust out laughing, almost in tears and Yeonjun just looks at them confused. What's so wrong about liking Ali?

"Aw man, that's fucking hilarious. So you like the easy ones, huh? Guy to guy, you don't want that heat. She's a mess dude," Yunhyeong says once he's calmed down, Jungwoo still giggling in the back. "Why do you think she's gone through so many guys since she moved here? No guy can handle a commitment with that girl. She's only good for a physical relationship."

     "How do you know?"

     "How do you not? I'm surprised you actually haven't heard. Her exes are living proof, they got receipts," Jungwoo explains. "You're better off chasing after the eye candy you have here at home."

"So are you guys gay then?" Yeonjun asks. He's been wondering this whole time because of how they've been talking. However, he kind of wishes he hadn't asked if he knew he was going to get such a slimy response.

"Dude, a hole is a hole."

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