//13 - "So you're single then?"//

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Jungkook gets home earlier than expected, being bombarded by the little ones once he enters the house. He walks into the kitchen to get a glass of water and he sees Jin, Soobin, and Yeonjun sitting at the dining room table as he passes by.

"Oh hey dad," Yeonjun calls out and the other two turn back to look at him.

"You're early," Jin points out.

Jungkook takes a sip. "Yea well, I wasn't feeling so great."

I kept getting teased by the three stooges.

"Do you need me to get you some medicine?" Jin asks but Jungkook shakes his head.

"No, it's ok. So what's this project about?" He asks as he joins them.

"It's for science. I would explain but neither of us understand it either. That's why Jin is helping us."

"I can help too if you want."

"No offense dad but the last time you helped me with homework, I got a lot of the questions wrong. So you can sit this one out."

Soobin looks the other way while Jin hides his laugh behind his hand because of Yeonjun's bluntness. Jungkook just sits there.

"Really? We stayed up late for that assignment!"

Yeonjun shrugs. "I don't know what to tell you."

Jungkook scoffs, feeling offended. "I'm in the fashion industry, I didn't study to be no damn scientist," he grumbles to himself.

The afternoon goes on as usual, Soobin soon leaving to go home as his dad wanted him back by dinnertime. They managed to get a hefty amount of work done on their project, getting their regular homework done as well.

After dinner, Jin sends the kids to brush their teeth and get ready for bed while he picks up the plates and starts washing the dishes. Jungkook had retreated to his office shortly after finishing his meal so Jin is basically all alone cleaning up.

Once he's finished, he heads upstairs and tucks the little ones in, making sure Changbin and Yeonjun are actually in bed before retreating to his own bedroom. He slips off his shoes, gently tossing them to the side and he falls back onto his bed with a sigh. Now it's time for him to work on his own assignments.


The week goes by faster than Jungkook wanted and now he's packing a suitcase to fly out for the event. He can hear Jin and them playing and laughing downstairs and he smiles softly. It seems like they really like him and that's a good thing, he's glad he's gotten someone to take care of them. Although sometimes Jin can be a total brat. But what can he expect from a 21 year old?

     He joins them downstairs a few minutes later with his suitcase and he sees that Namjoon and Hoseok are already here. They agreed that it would just be them and the main models along with some security.

     "Hey," he says, sitting down next to his brother and he laughs when Rosie and Kai run to him and jump onto his lap, hugging him.

     "We're gonna miss you," Rosie expresses sadly, looking up at her dad with glassy eyes. His face softens at the gloomy tone in his daughter's voice and he tightens his embrace around them.

"I'm going to miss you guys too. But I'll be home before you know it, ok? Promise me you will all behave."

"Promise," they speak in unison and Jungkook pecks both of their foreheads.

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