Author's note

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Hey my awesome readers,

I'm so glad to have you back here and I can't thank you enough for it. I am really, truly grateful for you guys. Without your constant support and pushes, I could never be where I am today with my writing.

TELL ME WITH FLOWERS is my first novel that I posted here on wattpad. It is very close to my heart and being a young budding writer, I had only focused on putting it down as soon as possible back then. I hadn't considered the possibilities of mistakes that came along with my writing. Even when many told me that I had to improve on my writing, I only started after I read the story for myself.

I knew that I could make the story much more interesting and free of errors, and hence I started rewriting it. I still have two set of revisions in my PC that I have discarded since I didn't like how it was turning out. Holding my latest draft in hand, I feel satisfied... at least for now.

For those of you, who have already read it, I recommend you to give it another shot. I promise you it has gotten better. This time, I have a mixed POV of both the main characters to make things more spicy. I can only hope that you feel the same way.


1. The story is a total work of imagination. If it resembles any places, characters or scenes, they are all coincidental. There is no prior intention of insulting anyone with the dialogues and scenes.

2. TELL ME WITH FLOWERS is copyrights protected. Copying this book or phrase without the knowledge of the author is illegal. This book is only posted in wattpad and if you find it anywhere else, please let me know.

3. Though I said my writing has improved, I can't promise an error free zone. Let me know if you find any kind of mistakes. I will rectify and learn from them to the best of my ability.

4. I was advised to give faces to the characters, but I believe in imagination and I hope you have your own version of Miles and Megan in your head. But if you still insist, I would be happy to comply too! Let me know.

5. If you are a re-reader, please bear with the characters and don't spoil the fun for the others who are here for the first time.

And lastly, carry a hanky. Trust me, you are going to need one for this ride. So are you ready?


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