13. Insecurities

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"Wow, who writes like that these days?" Amber sighed, re-reading the same lines. "It's so cheesy and romantic at the same time."

"It only makes me want to laugh." I snorted. "What is this, a school poem competition?"

Amber laughed at that. "It doesn't have a name though. Probably, he's still in his school practicing to give this to his girlfriend."

"Then why give it to me?" I rolled my eyes. "And be so anonymous about it?"

She shrugged. "But the thorn-less rose makes my heart melt for the guy. The girl sure must be lucky, no?"

"I'm not worried. It's clearly not me." I said.

"Sure." Amber scoffed as she disappeared into the other room

I checked the phone once more and sighed. There was no messages or calls ever since I kind of had an argument with Miles three whole days ago.

I was missing him. His nonsense jokes and a no-harm flirts were growing on me. But ever since his comment on how comfortable his car was compared to mine, had brought out the worst fears in me. It had hurt me more than I thought it would.

Yes, I was poor but that didn't mean that he could go on about his fancy Mercedes subtly telling me that mine wasn't worth more. There was a reason why I used the car-truck rather than a fancy one. It helped me move about with my deliveries.

Though Amber had bought a new fancy car, I had sided to let the truck stay. There wasn't much places to go out with people and this was more comfortable. Until now. The whole reason of Miles asking if we could go around in his car, made me wonder if he was ashamed of going out with me in my paint scraped car.

The first day after the fight, I was almost fuming, wanting to talk only to give him a mouthful of insults. I couldn't do it in person. I didn't trust his dark eyes around me. It might have melted my heart, making me smile at his disheveled hair and crooked smile, but the way his reputation came midway between us kept me stay put.

But there was no visiting nor were there any calls. It was frustrating and I had called him twice only to reach his voicemail. I had left messages to him asking him to talk or even listen to what I had to say, but there was only silence from the other side.

I had again turned furious about his childish behavior. If he didn't have the courage to stand up to what he believed, then God had to help him when he actually went out for interviews and shows. I had stuck up my nose, telling myself that I didn't do anything wrong.

"Still no calls, huh?" Amber said as she collected her notebook and a few stationaries from the table. "You look miserable though."

With a blue bandanna on my head and a green sweater with brown leggings, I looked more like a hippie than a miserable soul. And I wasn't letting Miles break me this easily.

"I'm not miserable." I glared back at the girl with long earrings. She shook her head sideways with a smile, her earring dancing to her turns. "Besides, I have work to do."

Amber scoffed. "Work, my ass." She stuffed everything into her bag and looked at me. "I'm going to work and you are the one who's mopping around."

"I'm not mopping around." I gritted my teeth, as my eyes screamed rage. "I have a few designs to complete."

"Why don't you take a break from this cold shop and come with me?" She suggested. "Laura's dress fitting might be a nice change of scenery for you."

"No." I sighed, sitting back on the chair. "You are the one with the flowers. Go ahead."

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