4. The meeting

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I was done with lunches with Laura. The girl was always hyperactive and though it sometimes shifted my mood, this time, it was shifting my anger towards her. We were here to meet her florist to make sure that everything was okay.

I still didn't understand the reason why I was being here, especially with the flowers. Shelly hated them and naturally, it had become my new hate too.

When I had explained Laura that, she had dragged me along with their usual meet with the florist, saying that it was a time to change a few things.

And I kind of agreed with her. It was high time I changed a few things. Especially when it came something close to Shelly. I wanted to erase her out of my memory permanently. I didn't want her face to show up every time I looked around.

The way Laura and Mark held hands reminded me of how Shelly never let me hold her hand in public. As if she was embarrassed of me to call as her boyfriend. After a month that she had left me, I had walked around pubs and clubs in the hope that a rebound would do me good. At least in those moments of pure ecstasy, I would forget her completely.

But I never had the opportunity to get that far. Besides, everyone looked like her. Brunet hair, right curves at the right places, slender body and kissable lips. Every move those girls made, made me sick to my stomach.

How could I be with those girls when everyone was the same. An identical replica?

So, when Mark asked me to help him out with his marriage business, I jumped at it, hoping that it would get me the distraction I was desperately wanting. But never in my dream had I imagined it would lead me to this.

A pathetic meeting with the florist who didn't have it in her to not keep her clients waiting. It had been more than half hour since we were sitting at the table, waiting for our honourable guest, not wanting to order anything since it would seem rude.

I tsked, getting frustrated at every passing minute. "I had to leave my cooking show talks for this, Lau." I said, drinking the sparkling water. It was the third glass in half hour, and I was sure my stomach had filled up. "You know there were people with whom I should have lunches with. But you got me here, where the florist doesn't even have the sense of time."

"Relax, Miles." Laura said. "You are grumpy because you are hungry."

"Perhaps, we should order then." I looked at her meaningfully.

"We will." Mark said, calling for the waiter. He gave me a look that I deciphered to understand that he was asking me, no begging me, to stay with him and not let him do this alone.

I rolled my eyes.

I had decided to get back on my feet by starting a cooking show. A way to showcase the world that I was not hungover on my dead relationship with a girl who hardly loved me. Having lost the touch, I wanted to give my all to make sure that I didn't waver to make mistakes this time.

I had to meet Austen about the dates for the show. I needed to have a call with the whole team regarding the hall where I had to conduct it. There were a few formalities that had to be done before I launched it.

Being the coldest season, it was the best way to get things cheap. Besides, people stayed home in winter which was a great way to attract them to my classes. As few of my recipes had become quite famous, I was sure that it would collect a few audiences to the show.

That meant I still had the advertising to be done.

There was so much work to do, but Laura had been very stubborn in making me sit along with her waiting for her florist. Wasn't this bride's business rather than the best man's?

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