8. A dinner date

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22 Avenue street's corner old building was something where I had imagined my cooking classes to take place. The building was a wreck, but I thought it would give my classes a vintage touch to attract my pupils to stay behind. The east was open and at the north, there was a big space where I could have put all the extra kitchen equipment.

But Andrew Moles had taken the building before I had a chance and had used it up to put his ice fucking museum in its place. When Megan had turned down my offer again, I had nothing to do but visit the man himself to see how he had converted the old place into an art gallery of sorts.

All I saw was Megan Taylor instead.

I had always thought to myself that Megan was plain with a weak dressing knowledge and an over-talkative skill. Now, up close, she looked more than beautiful, and she was far from being plain. As her eyes twinkled at the lights, I couldn't help but look at her in awe. My initial intentions had melted away just like the snow down our foot.

I now understood that she hadn't been lying when she said she was busy. Even with me by her side, she constantly talked to her workers through her microphone, instructing them what to do next. Though she talked a lot, with her workers, she was a cutthroat, maneuvering her way around them.

She looked so petite in my arms that I felt like I had to hold her gently scared that I might break her in two if I tightened my grip on her. I sighed, that was my initial plan after all. Megan Taylor had come like a tornado damaging my original plans and I wondered if I would be alright if she was to be unintentionally hurt by me.

"You have extra?" Megan muttered beside me. She held one of her gloved hand on her microphone that adorned her ears while the other patted her chin, as if she was thinking deeply about it. "Do we have extra plastic along with it?" There was a minute of silence after that before she talked again. "Okay John, wrap them up in the plastic and make a single flowered bouquet. Amber knows how to do it. Is she with you? Okay... we don't want it to go to trash now, do we?"

"You are good." I said after she cut the call, genuinely impressed with her. She turned her head towards me, for the first time the whole evening ever since I took a place next to her. She gave me a smirk of her own as if telling me that she knew that she had amazed me.

"So, what are you doing here?" She asked. "I didn't think you were this desperate to catch me like this."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her confidence. "Well, you didn't leave me any choice."

"So, this is me when I'm working. Did you think I was kidding when I said I was busy?" She asked. The underlying humor beneath her words made me smile along with her. Just before I could answer her, a small beep broke my chance and she help up her forefinger at me. "Yeah, that was me." She said to her caller. "What else do you expect me to do with those flowers, Amb? If you want me to come down there and do it myself, I would do it... okay, good."

"All okay?" I asked, my arms automatically pulling her closer to me.

"Just Amber getting on my nerves." She shrugged, her face pulling out from her frown and putting on a smile for me. She leaned in closer, her blue eyes turning bigger than usual. "I just yanked her out of her date. She's mad at me."

"That's not fair." I said. "Just because you said no to your date, doesn't mean that she shouldn't go to hers."

"You are so bad." She playfully pushed me away, laughing. "We have work to do, and she goes on enough dates to cover for me too."

"Must be one lucky bastard." I muttered, too low for her to hear, but she did anyway. She only stuck her tongue inside of her cheeks, smiling innocently.

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