25. Do follow for more juicy details

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There was a blanket of warmth around me. The heat was so soothing in the cold weather that it made me snuggle more into it and not wake up. Even when my alarm rang loudly, I had pretended not to notice it.

It was a miracle when a few minutes later it had shut up on its own.

When I adjusted myself to get into a more comfortable spot, I heard a soft, yet manly groan. I snapped my eyes open to see myself embedded in a broad chest. Heart beating erratically at the unforeseen position I was in, I pushed myself up only to be faced with the most embarrassing scene that I ever had to witness.

Miles lay there, smirking at me, as he flexed his muscles rolling on his back.

"Morning, darling." He said, his eyes still sleepy. His hair was disheveled as always and I wondered if I had run my hands across it in my sleep last night. He lay there half naked, with his devilish charms. "I could get used to it. Hey, that relationship thing was not a bad idea, after all."

I tumbled away, putting more distance between us. "God, how dare you come and spoon me?"

He laughed, a rich sound underlying with a sleepy tinge. If I was in a good mood, I could have called it sexy. But right now, I was more humiliated than anything else.

I was in the arms of a guy I hardly knew. We had spent some time, of course, but I had never went to this stage this early with anyone.

But then again, he was the only person who had witnessed me with my mother and sister. The way he had stuck up to me was something no one dared to do it all those years. Perhaps that was the only thing that brought courage in asking him to stay over.

"Oh, please." Miles laughed as he sat up, The sheets rolled down and landed on his torso. I gulped audibly. "You were the one to snuggle up to me in the dark, asking me to hold you tight."

If I thought about it, I was sure he was making things up though I felt like I had a dream last night. But I was not going to tell him any of that.

"You are lying." I said as I walked up to the side table to get my phone. It was probably him that had silenced my alarm. As I reached for it, the clock showed that it was already eight in the morning. "Shoot, I'm going to be late."

I ran around the room getting my things as I ran to the bathroom.

"You know we could take a bath together to save both time and water." Miles suggested as I locked the bathroom door. "You know, both are precious."

"Go to hell." I said, running the water. "Hey, could you be a sweetheart and do some eggs for breakfast?"

"Why should I do that?" Miles retorted, but I pretended to not hear anything. As I washed myself up, the sweet aroma of eggs and bread brought a small smile on my face.

I put on fresh clothes – black jeans and white GAP hoodie to keep myself warm on the cold day. I rolled my hair along with the towel and let it dry naturally as I came out of the bathroom.

"Wow, thank you." I said, as I reached my kitchen which was attached to the dining room. I pulled a chair, munching on the toast. "These are really good. Maybe I should keep you for myself."

Miles laughed at that. "Oh, that's what you said last night too. All for yourself." He walked behind my chair and put his arms around, trapping me.

Though I knew he was only making things up to get me irked, my cheeks had become warm and red out of embarrassment. I pushed myself up and walked further away to put some distance between us.

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