45. Unexpected turn of events

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I hummed a song that I had heard in the radio as I redid the bouquets, taking out the leaves and flowers that were wilted and replacing them with fresh ones. The schedule for the day was bit cramped and I was doing my best to make sure that I was completing them all today.

Ever since June, our sales were going up in high speed. Amber hinted that it was perhaps because of the scandals I had faced during that time on national television. Some wanted to pity me and hence they bought my flowers, while others wanted to see how a broken girl could decorate a place with flowers only to sue later.

Though I hadn't faced any such scenarios yet, I was sure those days were not far away.

The weather had gone from snowing to scorching heat in just two months. All my sweaters were replaced with thigh high skirts and tunics. My hair didn't agree to fall on my shoulders and often ended up in a messy bun. The weather had affected my flowers too.

I had recently added another cold storage into the shop to keep the flowers in them to let them live for two days extra. Amber had said that with that one investment to save flowers, we were saving a lot. But secretly, I knew Amber was happy that the old one was now completely hers to use.

As I put back the bouquet, the doorbell jingled. I looked up with a bright smile to welcome the first customer after lunch.

"Zack?" I asked, confused that he was here. "Hi, how are you? It's been so long since we met."

"Yeah, about that." He said, walking towards me. He took a seat in front of the desk, putting his head low. "I just don't know what to do."

My mind muddled up in confusion. "Are things okay with Amber?" Amber had mentioned a few times that she was having a fight with Zack, but each time she had made it seem that it was a small one. But if Zack was looking like this, then I had my own set of doubts.

"Yeah, I mean, no." He put his hands up and sighed. "I don't know, Megan."

"Um, well, I could call her and ask her to come back soon." I said. "She's probably at the airport now, collecting a few flowers that were supposed to be delivered today."

"I know." He said. "She told me she was eloping today to a different country so that I won't be able to stalk her then."

I snorted. "That sounds familiar." I muttered. "She didn't tell me anything about the fight. I'm sure it's small and she will bounce back soon."

Zack's grey eyes shone in hope as a little smile came back on to his handsome face. "You think so? She hasn't been talking to me that much lately."

"You want to talk about it?" I asked, taking a seat in front of him. Since there were no customers yet, I didn't mind the company. "I mean, I do have to go to a wedding in a few hours, but I have time till she comes here."

Zack sighed. "It all started with me missing a date. She saw me with a few other models when I was supposed to be with her." He looked away. "I mean, I forgot to call her about it and things just escalated from there."

I hummed in response. I knew how that felt like. When I had seen Miles's kiss on Valentines, I had gone bonkers and I thought it was natural for Amber to act the same way.

"Have you talked with her?" I asked.

"I'm trying, but she doesn't listen." He said, making me smile. "I really like her Megan and I thought you could maybe help me out?"

"What could I possibly do?" I asked, taken aback.

The heat in the shop, in spite of the running air conditioner, had visibly gone up. Amber was a little conservative when it came to dating. I was surprised when she had told me that she had a liking towards Zack.

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