58. The End

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I walked back home with a giant grin on my face. So far, it was the best decision I had ever made. I could feel the ring in my coat pocket burning with grace and excitement.

I was going to propose to her. And I wanted to proclaim her as mine and stop all the nonsense that was roaming around her. I wanted to showcase the world that she was taken and I wanted a big fat ring sit on her fingers just to show it. I wanted to do it in front of a whole crowd to let them know how far my love could go to the lady I had fallen head over heels for.

Then again it was Megan and she loved her private life way too much to share it to the whole world. Not everything needed to be recorded for the world to know. If we found happiness in each other, I didn't need the public stamp to say that I did the right thing. It was me and her against the world. The thought alone made my gut tug with love and adoration at the woman in question.

It was a small Egyptian diamond – simple yet elegant in its own way. There was a small single diamond on top of a plain band of gold. When I had first laid my eyes on it on one of the magazines that Megan was using, I knew this would do the trick to bind her to me, permanently.

I had immediately sent out a mail to the required jewelers to make sure that I would get that particular ring which reminded me of my lady love. I had even stealthily taken her ring measurements to make me a perfect groom anyone could ever imagine. I knew I hadn't told her how I felt about her yet, hoping that she had picked up the signs that spoke volumes that I could never say in person.

Megan Taylor was just like me when it came to matters of heart. We both never said a word about love, leaving it all to the signs and actions to convey the words for us. Unlike others, that was more than enough to keep us holding on to each other.

My days revolved around her. Her bright face woke me up every day and it was the only face that put me to a peaceful sleep every night. At days, it often made me wonder why I hadn't met her any sooner. Why I had deprived myself of the happiness that came along with her?

This time, I wouldn't be wasting my time. I found her. I loved her. And now, the only thing that was left was to marry her. It was only a matter of time now. Her single days were numbered and we both knew it. It had to happen eventually considering how we couldn't stay away from each other.

I had decided. I would bend down on my knees, ask her to marry me and make me the happiest man alive on earth. It had to happen in my home far away from the public eyes which had often wanted to break us apart and keep the parts for themselves.

There was no reason for her to say no. She would jump into my arms, crying out happy tears as I would kiss away her sorrows, promising better days for her. She would whisper a small yes as we kiss sealing the deal. I would say it over and over again that I love her and wouldn't stop until the words were carved in our hearts.

The ring would proudly sit on her finger, proclaiming the world that she was off the market. It wouldn't matter whom she was meeting over for lunch or dinner to arrange her floral events, because everyone would know she was taken. I wouldn't have to worry about another guy whisking her away from me.

The ring in my pocket held promises of tomorrow and I was more than ready to jump with a big leap of faith. To enjoy the rest of my life with her. To have her and to hold her. Till death did us apart.

I was ready and I could only hope that she was too.

I called Megan to see if I had to pick her up from her floral boutique, but she didn't pick the call. It wasn't like Megan to not pick my call at this time of the night. I tried again only to reach her voice mail once more.

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