51. Ex-Meet

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"Hi, sweetie." I cooed as I reached baby Emerald. She giggled at me, waving her hands in the air. "Awe, you want me to carry you, don't you?"

Carefully, I placed my hands under her head and lifted her to my bosom. For a baby of two months old, Emerald was surely growing fast. Along with being cute, she was too active for a kid that age.

"She likes you." Laura said, as she folded the baby clothes from the dry wash.

"There's no reason not to. Isn't that right, sweetheart?" I cooed at the baby again and Em only laughed more.

"She missed you last two weeks." Laura said taking a seat on the king-sized bed. "You never really told what happened."

"Sorry, I'm late for the girl's day out!" Amber announced herself before she entered the room. She gushed over the baby, handing a new frock for her. "I hope at least with the new gifts she will come to like me. The last time I was here, she pissed on me twice in a row."

I laughed at that. "Maybe you were pissing her off." I shrugged, holding the baby close. "When she grows up, she's going to want to live with me rather than her parents."

Laura only rolled her eyes at me, while Amber laughed at my obscure ideas.

"Yeah, and I'm sure Miles will be happy with the arrangements." Amber smirked. "What happened to your romantic getaway? Wasn't that what it was? The last two weeks? I don't remember anyone taking that long of a honeymoon before marriage."

My stomach knotted at her words. I kept the baby on the bed making sure that my nerves didn't make the kid queasy.

Marriage was something that I wasn't looking forward to in the immediate future. And there was still a lot of things for us to discuss before we went down that road. When I had seen him with Shelly, all I could see in his eyes were the hate for her.

He had told me that they were in a relationship for a year and he thought he loved her. When she had left him for her career, he had decided that he hated her. How was that even possible? As far as I knew he wanted a marriage with her and with one bad decision of hers, he had clearly made his mind that he didn't want that girl back in his life.

Miles and I had never shared I love you-s till now. Though I was sure about my feelings towards him, I wasn't able to tell that out loud to him. And when I saw Shelly crying at our doorstep, I backed off immediately.

What if I make a mistake tomorrow and he starts to hate me just the way he did with Shelly? What if he got bored of me? What if he became jealous of my clients and decided that he didn't want to see me anymore? And more importantly what if those letters with flowers came back to me?

Marriage was not an option with us. At least with me. I wanted to sort my feelings out before I took a big step.

Besides, we hadn't talked about it and with everything that was happening, I was sure that marriage was something that didn't cross his mind.

"What? You are still daydreaming?" Amber nudged her shoulders to me.

"That was the same topic we were talking about when you made your entry." Laura said, taking the baby in her arms rocking gently. Emerald looked sleepy and slowly closed her eyes with a smile on her face.

"Miles met Shelly that day. She had come home." I said, not going into the details. It wasn't my place to tell them anyway. "There was a big blow out because of that."

"Oh, my God!" Amber said, bringing her hands to her mouth. "She is unbelievable!"

I nodded my head, agreeing completely with her. "She wanted Miles to go along with her to Madrid where she will be settling."

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