28. The Ex-talks

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"What?" Megan's eyes grew larger at my confession. "No, that's not possible."

She got up and put more distance between us. She walked around her hall like a cat which had been hungry for several weeks. I could tell that her mind was running wild and calculating fast.

I had heard her voice grow insecure when she had told me about Shelly. Though I didn't understand her need to be volatile when it came to her, I was concerned.

"You think I said not to go to press after all that was a lie?" I asked, baffled that she had thought it. "Megan, you have got it all wrong."

"Wrong?" She asked, her anger was reaching the ceilings.

She hadn't started crying yet, but I could tell it wasn't far away. I didn't mind as long as I was the one making sure that she was being alright. She held all her emotions in and that alone made me want to be there for her. With Shelly, it was a whole different ball game. She always cried to make sure that I looked like the villain of all times.

"No, Miles you don't like me." She said looking at me. Her eyes were brimming with hot tears and she looked like she had been lost. "You are just exaggerating."

I looked away. How was I going to make her understand that I liked her? Sure, I could have chosen a different path to showcase that, but now that I was here pouring her my heart, she was just running away from it.

I walked closer to her. As she saw me coming, her eyes widened and a drop of tear fell down her cheeks. I raised my hand to wipe her tears and I could tell that she had held her breath. "Don't! Don't come closer to me!"

"Megan, you are not just any other girl." I said slowly, ignoring her words, making sure that she was understanding what I was telling her. She was the one who questioned me, argued with me and more importantly she didn't try to impress me. She was more than just a breath of fresh air. "I like to spend time with you, talk with you and hell, even fight with you. I want to know you better. Is that okay?"

"No!" She said, her face pained. "You just like the idea of dating someone who's not famous! I mean, just look at Shelly." She put her hands up in the air. "She's like the goddess walking the earth and me..."

"Stop it, Megan." I said, a little harsher than I had expected. She startled at my sudden raise in voice. She was nothing when compared with Shelly. Comparing was the first mistake ever. "Don't you dare compare yourself with her."

She walked to the couch and sat on it, putting her head on her hands. "You don't get it, Miles. She's perfect in all senses while I'm having trouble to even talk with the press."

"The press came at you?" I asked, taken aback. I had made sure that they were not behind her. I had also sent clear cut instructions through Steve and Austen to make sure of that. Was that the reason why she was acting so distant?

"That's not the point." She said, wiping her tears harshly.

I heaved a sigh as I followed her footsteps and sat next to her like a puppy. "Shelly and I, we are just the past." I said, lifting her chin. "Look at me, Megan. I want you to understand what I'm telling you."

As I looked at her, her beautiful face without makeup, tears running down her puffy eyes and her swollen lips - it made me want to kiss all her questions and pain away.

"Shelly Morgan is an actress and she is damn good at that." I said, thinking back to the days when I had been hooked with her. "I had believed her and I was wrong at it."

"What did you talk about when you met her?" She asked, her voice small.

It was a mere question of security. To let her console that she did have a chance and all that she had heard in the media was nothing but different versions of what people wanted the celebrities to be. I could tell that she felt powerless under the same lights which had put her in the public eye.

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