52. Confessions

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I was fuming. Why wasn't she taking my calls? I had made a number of calls and had left messages for her, but she had never replied back. My past seemed to catch up with me. Shelly acted the same way when she was seeing other guys behind my back.

I knew that Megan was nothing like her and I should be damned for even comparing her with Shelly. But my mind wandered on its own, not listening to my heart.

I had called Amber, but she didn't know anything about this new friend meet. As far as she was concerned, Megan wasn't close to anyone expect her and Laura. Then where the heck was she?

The rational part of my brain said that I had to let her be. She was a grown woman and she knew what she was doing. According to my boys, she loved me and I had to trust their instincts and not hyperventilate about this one night out on her own. But another part of me said that I was just letting history ruin me again.

My phone suddenly buzzed and I rushed towards it. It was probably Megan, calling me to tell that her car had broken down and was having trouble getting back home to me. But no, it was the social media handles bugging me.

To distract myself, I had swiped it open to see what the world was up to when I fretted over my girlfriend. My face lost all its color when I saw the first image that was roaming around the net.

It was my Megan, laughing with another guy. I recognized him as the guy she was dating before I came along. They were holding hands together in McDonald's, out of all places. Did she go there to make sure that she was avoiding the press?

She looked so good with that polka dress, too classy to be in a small burger store with that guy she had dated of all people. Why had she gone out with him and not mentioned anything about it to me? Had the old sparks come alive and were seeing each other for a while?

It was similar to the images that Shelly had given the media last time. Megan was always friendly with people and with the public noticing every move, even a simple gesture became something very complicated, hiding the truth behind them.

I took deep breaths to calm myself. It was just a joke over some fries, I told myself, but the images kept burning in front of me. She was laughing at something he was saying, putting her head back, not covering her mouth. She always covered her mouth with her hands when she laughed at my jokes. They were hugging each other in the next, his hands a little low from her back and my fists clenched together.

But the next one completely stopped my heart. They were kissing each other and Megan was letting him. That was when all the rational part of my brain had stopped functioning. All the calm that I tried to collect went beyond my grasp and suddenly, I couldn't breathe.

Was she going home with him? Was this the reason why she had told me to keep her away from the press so that she could play around me?

"Fuck!" I cursed, running my hands across my hair. It was frustrating. Just when I thought I could trust someone again, she had messed it up.

I walked across the hall, thinking of ways to console myself that it was nothing. If that was true, why would she stay with me in those months when I locked myself in? Shit, was this when it all started?

I crumpled on the couch, feeling dead inside. They said that history repeats only if one hasn't learned from their mistakes. But falling for Megan was not intentional and I truly don't think it as a mistake. But...

The door opened and I saw her come in with a smile on her face. How could she do this to me, even when she knew everything about me?

"Where the hell were you?" My eyes didn't leave hers. "You have no idea how tensed I was."

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