33. A safe option?

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"So you are the one who found fame over midnight." Shelly held the glass of wine I had ordered at the drinks counter. "Megan Taylor, a local florist."

"And you are the great actress I had never heard of." I smiled back her at her, trying to be civil. Though she stood a few inches taller than me with her pretty silver gown, she felt small in her words. "Shelly Morgan."

Her smile was as glamorous as her. She looked up and down, her scanning me as she took me in. "I thought Miles could do better, but he chose you? I still don't understand."

Behind her creamy skin and brunette hair, she was the monster that the movies failed to portray. If one looked closer, her smile was nothing but the sinister language that often pushed others into pitfall. Her grace was no better than wilting flowers that was sent straight to the dustbins in my boutique.

"Lets get to the point." She scoffed looking around with a carefree expression. As if she knew what I was always scared of. That I wasn't enough. "You are just another notch on the belt."

"What?" I asked, dumb folded that she had pulled that card on me.

Her laughter rang in my ears as she put her head back, revealing her perfect white teeth. "Sweetheart, he's still not over me. I mean, look at you and look at me. No offense, but any man would pick me over you."

That was a low blow that took away the confidence with which I had first faced her. What she told was all true. Any man who had the eyes would definitely pick her if they were given a choice. Even without her in the picture, I had met people who had chosen to walk over me.

What was the guarantee that Miles wouldn't?

It was only a matter of time.

"That... that's not possible." I stuttered, even though I knew she was right. "Miles likes me. He told me."

Those words seemed to try and convince only me. My feeble words didn't affect Shelly as I thought it would.

"Look at him, Megan." She said, tilting her head towards him. Miles was standing with another guy, smiling to the cameraman who was clicking his photos. "Your world is so much different and plain than his. Let's say that you get used to his. But what about him? Will he be able to lose everything for you?"

"It's not about losing." I gritted my teeth. Shelly had found my weakness and was twisting that mean knife into my heart with all the force she could muster. "It's about respecting and understanding, which you didn't clearly have."

Shelly's face grew red with anger on hearing my words. She took a step further towards me.

"Miles is mine." She hissed. "He may pretend to be yours now but remember you are a rebound. Once he's done with you, he will come back to me."

"No, he wouldn't." I said. Though I was feeling sick to my stomach, I was glad that I was able to put up a brave façade in front of her.

"Oh, he will." She rolled her eyes. "He was a playboy once. Didn't you know? I was the one who brought him back to sanity. Now, he's back to his old way. But in the end, it's me who's going to get him... like always."

"N... No." I said, fear gripping me tight.

I had promised myself that I wouldn't get caught in this mess. I had tried to convince myself that I didn't want him. Yet, I couldn't let him go. I had come to like him and I wasn't ready to let him go.

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