55. Drunk in love

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This was my happy place and for once in a very long time, I seemed to be happy where I was. I had found this kind of a feeling only when I had sat down on the study during one of those monsoon days with my plans following perfectly.

I sighed contently smiling at my surroundings.

I was sitting on the couch in the living room with the television turned on with the lowest volume possible. I had my green tea cup filled to its brim on the table behind me as I leaned on the couch, stretching my legs across it. I balanced a laptop on my lap with microphones stuck on my ear. There was a wedding book spread open near my calves.

My mind was working in an overdrive racing through different topics at the same time. Thank God, I could multi-task. I smiled to myself as I typed in the themes and the decoration lists to the local posh wedding that was to take place few weeks from now.

Though most of the decorations were complete, I was only crosschecking to make sure that we were one step ahead of everything. Rachel was going through a divorce and she had asked me if I could help her out with the planning. I had readily agreed to it, but now, it was coming to bite me in the ass.

I wasn't expecting the whole planning to be done when Rachel asked me for help. Along with the flowers, I had to take care of the other stuffs too. Now, I understood why Rachel was sprouting grey hairs this early in her life.

The front door opened and I knew that Miles was back from his work. Though I had wrapped up early, I had told him that I was heading home rather than to his restaurant. I needed some me-time of warm bubble bath with a glass of wine to get my creative mind in action. Now that my mind was fed, it was working hyper actively.

"Hey." He said, coming behind me. His hands cupped my cheeks pulling it upwards as he bent to kiss me. "Long day, huh?"

I only smiled at him, getting my attention back to the laptop I had in hand. The faster I completed the work, the faster I would get to spend my time with him.

"Wow, are you still working?" He asked as he looked around to see that there was no space on the couch left for him to sit down. I only nodded my head, pointing my finger at the microphone that I had stuck on my ear. "Okay. Is the dinner ready or should I be doing something?"

It was never fair for him to cook again when he was coming from work where he was already cooking. I always made sure to prepare something for us whenever I came home early. And today was one such day. I had made him noodles and cucumber salad before I had sat down to work.

"Noodles and salad." I mouthed as he nodded his head and went to the kitchen for inspection. Few minutes later, he was holding the microwaved noodles and salad in his hand, after he was fully showered and fresh.

"Lift your legs up." He commanded and I followed him without protest. As he sat down, he put my legs on his lap, keeping the wedding magazine on top of my legs. "Comfy?" I nodded my head with a big smile. These were the times that made my heart swoon with love for the guy in front of me. "What are you watching, darling?"

He looked at the television and saw that it was an old movie - Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. I could tell that he was already rolling his eyes at the chick flick.

I knew that he was confused when he saw me watching an old movie when I hardly switched on the television. To clear his doubts, I showed him my phone and then pointed it to my ear showing him my microphone. With Laura's name plastered on the screen, his eye rolls increased two-fold.

"Isn't Sandra a little uptight?" Laura said from the other end. She had been quiet for a long time letting me work in peace. Whenever she laughed at the scenes, I laughed along with her not sparing a minute to see what was actually funny.

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